Category: Board of Director Meeting Minutes
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 Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

                                                   14 January 2019



Presiding: Beth Lonnquist

Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, Frank Chuba, P.K. Robinson, Kevin Guy, Paul Tillotson, Jim Zalmanek

Guests: None

The meeting was called to order by President Beth Lonnquist at 1901.

The 10 December 2018 minutes were approved as written following a motion to approve by P.K. Robinson and a second by Frank Chuba.

 Treasurer’s Report: The bank balance is $11,647.36.  Income included a $50.00 contribution and $0.41 bank interest.
$1,210.25……. . HUB Insurance (D&O)
$1,636.00……. . Philadelphia Insurance
$236.50………. Firewise Expenses
$200.00………. Tri Lakes Cares contribution
Treasurer’s Report accepted by all members following a motion by Jim Zalmanek and a second by Frank Chuba.

Architectural Control:  Chairman Frank Chuba reports no new requests for the month.

Old Business:
     Spring Newsletter: Board members were asked to submit articles for the newsletter by 01 February 2019.  The newsletter will include a Firewise page, dues, Contact Board Information, Member meetings, Treasurer’s Report, community clean-up, and annual picnic.  Also, will be a Statement of Occupancy/contact information, Nevins Park use and options, plus an exit map and some emergency preparedness information.

    Web Site: Kevin Guy gave a report on the web site among items such as a need for a NEPCO dropdown, assuring that the Single-Family Definition is included, that monthly minutes are posted, a Home Tab welcoming newcomers to the neighborhood, By-Laws and Covenants and an Architectural Control Form that can be downloaded and/or completed on-line.  The Firewise dates for chipping in 2019 are not complete at this time, but will be added when available.  Information will be posted about procedure for making reverse 911 calls and the dues request will be printed with check-off boxes for amounts of $50, $75, $100 or more.  An area for Board member’s names should be listed with addresses and members having the option of printing their phone numbers or e-mail addresses as a means of contact.

Kevin Guy mentioned that the web site is currently at 75% of disc usage and options must be considered to avoid paying monthly fees.  He suggested adding an SSL (Secure Stack Layer) to the website at a cost of $50 per year and that was approved after a motion to accept was made by Frank Chuba and a second by Paul Tillotson.  Kevin Guy also suggested closing the old site and move to a new site ( and the Board agreed but thought it might be prudent to delay a month to assure that the new site is operating properly. He will also explore the cost of using Pay Pal to enable residents to make dues payments that way.

     Meetings: The meeting schedule for 2019 remains the second Monday of each month at 1900, except for the annual picnic on 17 August held at noon in Nevins Park and the annual member meeting on 08 April at a site to be determined. The 11 November date could possibly be changed since it is Veterans Day and many activities occur on that holiday.
     Sign: The no through traffic sign previously approved by the Board for the easement was displayed by Paul Tillotson.

New Business:
     Firewise: Dave Betzler and President Lonnquist attended an Evacuation/Mitigation meeting om 10 January with local Emergency Preparedness personnel; Jamey Bumgartner, Tri Lakes Fire Department; Andrew Prehm, Commander El Paso County Sheriff; Jim Reid, Emergency Management Executive Director; and Sara Fant, Emergency Preparedness Planner.  There have been many comparisons made between the California fire and Red Rock Ranch’s evacuation routes, fuel sources and proximity to the National Forest.

     Spring Cleanup: Dates for the annual cleanup on the Ranch will be the 7th and 8th of June.
     New Sales: 4675 Limestone, New Directions Trust, FBO Laurel Taylor
     Tennis Court: The Board expressed thanks to Paul Tillotson and Kevin Guy for removing the broken basketball hoop from Nevins Park.

     Resignation: The Board reluctantly accepted the resignation of long time Board member Jim Zalmanek.  He will be travelling extensively and will not be able to attend scheduled meetings.  Architectural Control Chairman Frank Chuba stated that he is selling his property in the February time frame on Red Rock Ranch which would make him ineligible to remain on the Board.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2023 after a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Paul Tillotson.

 The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 11 February 2019 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument.

 Respectfully submitted, 

Jim Bergeron 
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA