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{tab=Call To Order}

Presiding: Mark Fears

Present: Kelly McGuire, Jim Bergeron, Mark Fears, Frank Chuba, David Weber

Guests: Jim Green

The meeting was called to order by President Mark Fears at 1900.

Minutes of the 15 August 2015 business meeting/picnic were read and approved as written after a motion by Kelly McGuire and a second by David Weber. 

{tab=Special Topic}

As per Association policy, Jim Green was allowed to present his request for a storage shed to be erected on his property at 18225 Stone View Road.  It will measure 12 feet by 16 feet.  The plans were reviewed by the Board and approved following a motion by Frank Chuba with a second by Mark Fears. The fee of $25 has been received and an El Paso County permit is pending.

{tab=Treasurer's Report}

Treasurer’s Report: The bank balance is $17,449.34.  There have been three donations since the last meeting for $105.  Total donors for the year: 139 for $5,440.00.  Bank interest amounts to 0.69.  Architectural fees since last meeting: $25.00 for a total of $368.00 year to date.  Total year to date income is $5,936.37.  Total year to date expenses: $2,369.38.

The treasurer’s report was accepted following a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Kelly McGuire.

{tab=Arch Control}

Architectural Control:  Frank Chuba reported that a follow-up on the Andrew Wacker request at 18165 Forest View Road presented at the 15 August 2015 meeting was in order and the issue is resolved.

The report was approved following a motion to accept by David Weber and a second by Kelly McGuire.

{tab=Old Business}

Old Business: Mark Fears stated that he is in the process of obtaining lumber to replace the picnic table bench seats at the Association Park.

Mark Fears stated that he met with the owner of the residence at 3640 Range View Road who reportedly had chickens on his property.  No chickens were seen and the resident was informed of covenants prohibiting livestock on the Ranch, in addition to the danger of mountain lions being attracted to an easy meal.

There is nothing new to report on Courage to Change.  It is noted that Dr. Judith Miller, CEO of Courage to Change, has been invited to Board meetings, but has yet to attend.

{tab=New Business}

New Business:  President Emeritus Kelly McGuire received a letter from residents Matt and Eva Hornung at 4885 Sandstone Drive concerning a neighbor at 4845 Abo Lane and an issue about a driveway and a chicken wire fence on his property.  They are concerned about setbacks and whether the driveway is considered a “structure” as addressed in the covenants.  Architectural Control Chairman Frank Chuba will arrange a meeting with the two parties involved to reach an amicable conclusion.

David Weber reported that he received an e-mail from resident Julie Troudt, 18255 Stoneview Road, concerning trash strewn at her neighbor’s residence.  Mr. Weber did go to the residence in question and did not see any trash on the property and sent an e-mail to Mrs. Troudt with that information.  He did ask if he had checked the correct address, but received no reply to his follow up. Case closed.

Jim Bergeron reported that he received an e-mail from attorney Lenard Rioth stating that he will represent the Board for up to three hours, as requested, during a hearing on the Courage to Change proposal to increase the client population from five up to 12.


With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 1941 on a motion by David Weber and a second by Kelly McGuire which was carried unanimously.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 12 October 2015 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron 

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA



Note: These minutes are in draft form and are not official until approved by the Board at the 12 October 2015 meeting.
