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{tab=Call To Order}

Presiding: Beth Lonnquist

Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, David Weber, Frank Chuba, Jim Zalmanek, Bill Griffith, Kevin Guy

Guests:  Tom Guenther, Tammy Krehbiel of Colorado Ranch Homes

The meeting was called to order by President Beth Lonnquist at 1900.

The minutes of the 14 November 2016 were read and approved unanimously as written following a motion by David Weber and a second by Jim Zalmanek. 

{tab=Treasurer's Report}

Treasurer’s Report: The current bank balance is $9,821.47.  Income since the 14 November 2016 meeting includes $82.60 in Architectural Fees and 0.57 in bank interest. Expenses to date:  $200.00 to Tri Lakes Cares, $56.78 to Tri Lakes Printing, $1,757.00 to Anderson, Dude, Lebel, P.C., $250.00 to the U. S. Post Office, and $1,928.00 to Philadelphia Insurance Company. Treasurer’s Report accepted following a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Jim Zalmanek.

{tab=Arch Control}

Architectural Control:  Tammy Krehbiel presented plans for a residence to be constructed at 3550 Mesa Verde Road.  It will be 4660 square feet and all set-backs are in order.  She had paint samples, the exterior color being snow ballet.  The plans were viewed by all members and Frank Chuba made a motion to accept with a second from David Weber. That motion was unanimously accepted.  The required fee was paid.

{tab=Old Business}

Old Business: President Beth Lonnquist attended the November 22 County Commissioners meeting and gave everyone present a copy of the letter from the RRRHOA regarding the Courage to Change/Soaring Hope on Spruce Road.  Craig Dossey, director of Planning Services was present and had the County attorney come to the meeting once President Lonnquist brought up the subject of Courage to Change/Soaring Hope.  Mark Gephart has yet to respond to two different messages sent by President Lonnquist regarding the aforementioned business. El Paso County has allowed the Rehabilitation Facility to continue on Spruce Rd. as long as most rehabilitation done off site.  The off-site rehabilitation is located at the offices on West end in State Highway 105.   President Lonnquist also suggests residents call the El Paso County Sheriff for any suspicious activity in the area.

{tab=New Business}

New Business: President Beth Lonnquist wrote a year end message that was read and discussed by Board members. The message is to be published on the Association website. The President presented the Board with a proposed calendar of monthly events for the year 2017. She also said she attended the NEPCO meeting and was told there is a free web site residents can go to (Spotcrime.com) for reports of crimes in the neighborhood.  Everyone was told at the meeting that there will be more traffic lights installed along Jackson Creek.


Director Kevin Guy presented his plan for messaging from the Board that made proposals for members when communicating with homeowners or the media.  After some discussion, the plan will be revised according to input from the Board.  The main thrust of the proposal is for individual members to be sure to speak as a board member and representative of the RRRHOA with board approved talking points and to make it known when they speak it is their personal opinion and not a RRRHOA opinion.  Official announcements will be through the President after approval from the Board.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1920 on a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Jim Zalmanek.


The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Monday, 09 January 2017 in the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.


Respectfully submitted,


Jim Bergeron 


Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA

Note: These minutes are in draft form and are not official until approved at the next meeting on 09 January 2017.



Addendum: Following the meeting, all Board members and guest Tom Guenther remained to stuff , seal and stamp envelopes to mail out ballots to residents concerning proposed covenant changes.

