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{tab=Call To Order}

Presiding: Beth Lonnquist

Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, Jim Zalmanek, David Weber, Frank Chuba, Fred Lanyon

Guests:  None

Meeting called to order at 1900.

The minutes of the 12 December 2016 meeting were read and approved unanimously after a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Jim Zalmanek.

{tab=Treasurer's Report}

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer David Weberreports there have been two residents contributing voluntary dues in the amount of $125.00 so far this year.  Bank interest earned was 0.35 cents.  The only expense for the month was $10.00 for a Colorado State filing fee.  Bank balance stands at $9, 869.54.

Treasurer’s report was unanimously approved following a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Frank Chuba.

{tab=Arch Control}

Architectural Control:  AC Chairman Frank Chuba reports no new requests this month.

{tab=Old Business}

Old Business: The covenant change and ballot count was discussed.  Ballots received have been counted and tallied by President Beth Lonnquist, Treasurer David Weber and Recorder Jim Bergeron.  It is noted that the deadline to receive ballots is 29 January 2017 at which time a final tally will be made.

Director Kevin Guy submitted a proposal (see on page 3) concerning release of information from the RRRHOA Board.  The Board accepted the proposal with one modification to paragraph number 5.  It was agreed that paragraph number 5 should read “Messages involving public interest such as safety, weather, or calendar events can be released by the communications administrators”.  Mr. Guy’s amended proposal was unanimously accepted by the Board following a motion by David Weber and a second by Frank Chuba.

{tab=New Business}

New Business: The Board decided to hold the annual spring cleanup on 03, 04 and 05 June 2017.  Details such as mulching and limits on refuse brought to the site will be discussed in detail as the event draws nearer.

The date set for the annual picnic/business meeting was set for Saturday, 26 August 2017.

A letter was received from residents Paul and Rose Hockersmith regarding the proposed changes to the covenants and their concerns will be answered in a letter from President Lonnquist.

President Lonnquist brought up the subject of a Firewise Presentation and said she will learn more at the NEPCO meeting in March and bring details to the Board. There will be a minimal fee for residents who wish to participate.

Treasurer David Weber proposed informing residents of the Covenant Voting Status:

“As of a preliminary vote count on 12/28/2016, the board has not received sufficient votes from residents to indicate a consensus position.  As such the board is invoking the stated procedure of extending the voting period by 30 days.  As such the new vote closing date is Sunday, 1/29/17. You may continue to return your ballot by mail or directly to a board member.  Board members may contact you to determine if you are willing to provide a vote.  You may contact a board member for a ballot or print one from the web site if you did not receive one or no longer have it.

Our mailing address is P.O. Box 1463, Monument, CO 80132”.

This proposal was accepted after a motion by Jim Bergeron and a second by Fred Lanyon. 


With no further business to discuss, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 1945 on a motion by David Weber and a second by Frank Chuba.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 13 February 2017 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron 

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA

Please Note: These minutes are in draft form only until approved by the RRRHOA Board at the 13 February 2017 meeting.
