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                Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

                                                    16 October 2017




Presiding: Beth Lonnquist

Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, Jim Zalmanek, Frank Chuba, Fred Lanyon, Kevin Guy

Guests: None

Meeting called to order at 1902.

The minutes of the 26 August 2017 meeting were read and approved unanimously after a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Kevin Guy. The minutes of the 11 September 2017 meeting were approved following a motion by Kevin Guy and a second by Fred Lanyon.

Treasurer’s Report: Bill Griffith has assumed the position of Treasurer of the Association and has his signature on file at People’s Bank. The starting bank balance on 01 September 2017 was $13,572.71.

19 September 2017 – Attorney fees - $88.00

30 September 2017 – Bank interest - $00.57

03 October 2017 – Contributions   - $225.00

03 October 2017 – Attorney fees -   $520.50

Balance as of 16 October 2017 -       $13,199.78

Treasurer’s Report approved by the Board after a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Jim Zalmanek.

President Beth Lonnquist presented a bill for $236.41 she paid for postage, certified letters to John Green, thumb drive, recording device for the hearing, post office box key, and a Visa card for upkeep of the web site. Jim Bergeron made a motion to reimburse the president for the expenses, a second was made by Jim Zalmanek and the Board approved unanimously.

Architectural Control: AC Chairman Frank Chuba reports no new requests this month.

Old Business:

     Spruce Road: A letter was sent to the Green’s attorney on 14 September with a 60 day reply timeframe.   No reply to date. The attorney wanted a current sheriff report and the president reported the most current is in the packet as of 10 September 2017 and she is unaware of any that transpired since that date.

     Air BNB: The residents involved sent an e-mail to the president stating that they have removed the listing from the website and noted that they are a pro-single family community. The resident did have questions concerning foreign exchange students, etc. and was advised to bring any concerns in the future to the Board for consideration.

     Insurance Policy: Quotes are needed in October. The current broker: Director’s policy is $641.00 and the general policy is similar to last year. President Lonnquist feels this is the same company the Association has used for the past 20 years and asked if there were thoughts of going to other brokers.

     Firewise: Lucy McGuire’s residence had more mitigation on 23 September done by Tri Lakes Methodist Church Emergency Preparedness Group for their second time. Four Red Rock Ranch people and ten other volunteers also participated. Wood chips need to be spread out and are being saved for Hans Zimmerman who uses them on local trails, but he may not be able to use all the piles around the edge of the property.

The next Firewise meeting is Tuesday, 17 October 2017 when the Community Wildfire Preparedness Plan (CWPP) will be reviewed and readied for approval.

     New Sales: A letter was presented before the Board, corrections were made and the Firewise paragraph will be changed and sent around for approval.

Sales from May through July:

1 Sierra Vista Road         3765 Sierra Vista Road               3780 Range View Road

3520 Mesa Verde Road   18295 Stone View Road             18270 Forest View Road


New Business: In regard to the question about thoughts of going to other insurance brokers, Kevin Guy made a motion to remain with our present insurance company and a second was made by Frank Chuba. The Board agreed unanimously.

Chipping was discussed and to date, eight residents have signed up.

Jim Zalmanek raised the question about residents feeling forced or coerced into cutting down trees on their property after moving into a community because of the trees. A discussion followed and it was agreed that any letters sent by the Board would recommend and encourage fire mitigation and also add that insurance rates on properties could possibly be lowered by mitigation.

Kevin Guy suggested release forms for volunteers for HOA projects, such as mowing, to reduce litigation against the Association. He will write a sample form for the Board’s review. Another suggestion involved the Association website that needs updating. He asked if it might be beneficial to have voluntary dues collected on-line, such as Pay Pal, which might increase the numbers of residents paying. At present, about half the residents pay annual dues.

The tennis court was discussed and it was felt the concrete should probably be repaired and restriped. Jim Bergeron stated that when he had a finisher give an estimate several years ago, it was $20,000. At that time, the Forest View Estates HOA agreed to help with the cost if their residents could use the court. The possibility of using Boy Scouts and the Eagle Project was a possibility, as well as the project for cadets at the Air Force Academy. We will do further research on the costs for this project.

CONO meets at 0900 on 11 November 2017 at 1230. There will be an attorney HOA morning at a fee of $75.00 for two representatives from our HOA – President Lonnquist and Director Jim Zalmanek will attend. Topics include reserves and budgeting, nuisance and privacy, group homes, meetings and covenant enforcement. Jim Zalmanek made a motion for the Board to pay the $75.00 CONO fee and it was accepted unanimously after a second by Kevin Guy.

As noted in the past, the Tri Lakes Fire Department will give free inspections of property in regard to fire mitigation. The HOA has submitted e-mail addresses of those who signed up at the picnic for lot evaluation to Tri Lakes Fire Department.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 2008 on a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Jim Zalmanek.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 13 November 2017 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA

Please Note: These minutes are in draft form only until approved by the RRRHOA Board at the 13 November 2017 meeting.
