Category: Board of Director Meeting Minutes
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Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

10 July 2006


Presiding: Joline Lee


Present: Joline Lee, Jim Bergeron, Frank Chuba, Lorrayne Hodge, John Sharp


Guests: Dan Cuvala


Meeting was called to order at 1907.


Minutes of the 12 June 2006 meeting were read and accepted as presented on a motion by Larrayne Hodge, seconded by John Sharp, and voted upon unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bill Martin is absent so his report is waived until the August meeting.


Architectural Control: Chairman Frank Chuba introduced builder Dan Cuvala who presented plans for a 1248 square foot addition to the Bennett and Noreen Griffin residence at 4820 Sandstone.  A permit has been issued by El Paso County, the setbacks are in order, and a check in the amount of $124.80 was presented for deposit.  Frank Chuba made a motion to accept the plans, it was seconded by John Sharp and passed unanimously by the Board.

Chairman Chuba also received a check from the Oldenburg family at 4775 Sandstone for replacing a deck; the plans had previously been approved.

Chairman Chuba also discussed correspondence received from Keith Lonnquist (see attached) who will be moving to Red Rock Ranch on 18325 Spruce Road and requested permission to erect an enclosure fence for his dog and a three stall detached garage.  It was agreed to table the measure until plans are actually submitted.


Old Business: The resolutions submitted by John Sharp regarding routine audits of RRRHOA financial records and maintaining an open book policy for residents to inspect minutes and transactions of the Board were reviewed and passed with one exception. The resolution concerning audits had an inadvertent paragraph (para.e) inserted, which was deleted.  Motion to accept the open books resolution made by Frank Chuba and seconded by  Jim Bergeron which was then accepted by the Board.  Motion to accept the audit resolution made by Jim Bergeron, seconded by Larrayne Hodge and accepted unanimously by the Board.

Dues were next discussed, re: voluntary versus mandatory.  Views were heard from each member present, but it was decided to await a final discussion and vote until Treasurer Bill Martin returns since he has strong feelings about the issue.

Landscaping at the Park was brought up by Larrayne Hodge who feels the area at present looks off-center and she wondered if further work is planned.  Michaele Duncan could not be present for the meeting with those answers, so President Lee said she would contact Michaele for clarification.  President Lee also agreed to contact Fred Lanyon about building a secure box around the hose for the drip system to prevent vandalism.


New Business: Board member John Sharp submitted his resignation which was reluctantly accepted by those members present.  John will be moving off the Ranch on 21 July 2006 and is therefore ineligible to continue on the RRRHOA.  His efforts were praised by all present and the Board’s gratitude was expressed for all he has done as a member and as an attorney rendering free advice on legal matters.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2030 on a motion by Larrayne Hodge, seconded by Frank Chuba, and carried unanimously.


The next meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 14 August 2006 at the Tri-Lakes Fire Station.


Respectfully submitted,





Jim Bergeron, Recorder/Secretary

Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association