Category: Board of Director Meeting Minutes
Hits: 1334

May 10, 2021 Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Assoc. Board Monthly Meeting

Meeting started at 7:05pm.

Board members present:

Kevin Guy, Julie Pheteplace, Doreen McLaughlin, Paul Tillotson, Bill Griffith, Elizabeth Lonnquist, Shannon Kittelson, Mark Fears,


Rosalia McKean, Craig Pryor, Jason Schneider, PK Robinson, Matt and Laura Quinlan, Denise Geller

Architectural Control:

Jeff Stelzner requested approval for a split rail fence. The fence meets the offset requirements and Mr. Stelzner is attaching wire fencing on his side of the fence. Julie Pheteplace had the first of the motion for approval and Bill Griffith had the second. Board voted approval and is waiting for the payment of ACC fees.

Approval of Minutes:

April meeting minutes need to be approved at a member meeting so will be postponed until next member meeting. Some revisions will need to be made to the April meetings before final approval. March minutes were approved with Bill Griffith having the first motion, Kevin Guy the second. Shannon Kittelson abstained from the vote.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mr. Griffith gave the Board a report of the HOA finances up to the time of the meeting. The balance was $25,121.12. There was a carry-over of $1,133.50 for Firewise. Bill said May is traditionally one of the best months for contributions and that there had been $6,610 contributed YTD with about 33% of members donating. Claire Benneman was paid $198.00 for mowing. There was $417.00 spent for the newsletter, $1,462 for insurance, $826.19 for additional expenses, $3,475.19 for legal expenses. There has been $125.00 received YTD from ACC fees. The Board approved the treasurer’s report with Julie making the motion for approval and Paul seconding.

Web Site:

Kevin and Paul reported no problems with the website.

Old Business:



Julie reported Tri-Lake Fire Dept. has agreed to do chipping for Firewise. She said there had also been three requests for assessments and reminded the members of the next meeting. Rosalia reported on the availability of more chipping slots.

Park Repairs:

Kevin reported on turning on water for the park for use during repairs/replanting.
Bill suggested that we approve no more than $300.00 for repair expenses. Mark Fears motioned for approval with Paul Tillotson the second. Board approved. Kevin Guy motioned and Bill Griffith had the second with the Board approving reimbursement for Paul for his expenses in making the signs in the park.

Forest View Water District:

It was noted that the next meeting will be May 26.

Red Rock Ranch Acres:

Elizabeth reported that there were 104 negative responses to the RRRA zoning request. Rosalia suggested that it might be a good idea to have a representative from the RRRHOA at the Planning and Development Commission meeting. Waiting on announcement of the next meeting date for the Commission.

Chickens on Range View:

No action at this time.

Current Lawsuit brought against the HOA by David and Juliet Yack:

The Board has responded to the lawsuit summons. The Board has spent +$3000.00 in legal fees so far. The Board has reached out to the plaintiffs and messaging has been posted in regards to the lawsuit.


Bill reported on returns from the newsletter and that there had been a good response so far.

Covenant Change policy:

Elizabeth has reported that this was addressed in 2017 but is not posted on the website at this time. She sends copies of the policy to members when they request a change.

Community Clean-Up:

The clean-up is scheduled for June 5th and 6th. It was decided to provide a smaller dumpster this year and Board members signed up for staffing the cleanup.

Round the Room:

Elizabeth asked for comments and discussion from the Board members. Mark had talked with Jean Kraus about repairs at the park and for the tennis court. She offered to buy a new net and she also had ideas about a new bench for the tennis court. A GoFundMe account was discussed for paying for park improvements/repairs. Paul and Kevin gave information about what they had found out about GFM. Bill later said he would check further into the GFM account.

Bill said we needed to re-elect the Board officers. Bill motioned with Mark as second for Elizabeth as President. Kevin motioned for Bill as Treasurer with Doreen as second.
The Board approved those motions as well as Shannon Kittelson for Architectural Control and Mark and Julie as secretaries.

There was discussion that 2022 would have no elections for new board members as it is an off year in the election cycle.

There was discussion about painting the shelter in the park.

Elizabeth reported on email Board approvals.

There are items piled up on a part of the Park fence. Discussed who would be responsible for removal.

PK Robinson asked about road signs. He was informed that the County has that responsibility/jurisdiction. The HOA can contact the County if necessary.

Jason Schneider asked about the material on the fence and said he had been maintaining around that section of fence. He said he thought the material belonged to Craig Kettle. Mr. Schneider also had questions about the property line with the park.

Denise Geller had a question about a shed close to their property line that is on easement under power lines.

Julie Pheteplace motioned for adjournment with Kevin Guy for the second. Board voted approval and meeting ended at 7:57pm.