Category: Board of Director Meeting Minutes
Hits: 777

June 14, 2021 Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Assoc. Board Monthly Meeting  
Zoom meeting started at 7:05pm.

Board members present:
Kevin Guy, Bill Griffith, Shannon Kittlelson, Julie Pheteplace, Skip Yang, Elizabeth Lonnquist, Paul Tillotsen, Mark Fears

Heidi Juell, Laura and Matt Quinlan, Craig Pryor, Beth Schneider, Chris Jones

Guest Concerns:
Heidi Juell wanted to thank the Board for it’s efforts and offered to help with the lawsuit.

Architectural Control:
Beth Schneider had a driveway request along with a request for replacement windows.  There were some questions about whether it would be ten feet from the neighboring property line in that is a county requirement.  The Board approved the request with a fee of $25.00 (for the windows and driveway) contingent on the Schneiders getting an okay from El Paso County about the distance from the property line.  Julie had the 1st, Bill seconded. 

Approval of Minutes:
Shannon made a motion with Julie as the second for approval of the minutes.  Board approved.


Treasurer’s report:
Bill reported that up to the 14th June had been relatively quiet.  He reported that there had been $2,444.69 in deposits with $2,863.67 in expenses for the month.  The May ending balance was $26,229.90.  Interest earned was $1.08 year to date.  After current expenses, Firewise remaining contributions amount to $929.13.  Outstanding activity that had not cleared the bank were $725.00 in contributions against $1,455.00 in legal expenses ($4,930.19 in legal expenses to date along with $2,422,95 in insurance expenses to date.)
Year to date contributions are $8,285.00 and that represents 42% of members contributing.  ACC has yielded $150.00 year to date.
Mark motioned for approval with Skip as second.  Board approved.

Motions passed electronically:
Cleanup was cancelled.

Kevin and Paul said that the website was working well with no issues.

Old Business:
Bill reported there had been some of the newsletters returned but he had sent them out again with only one returning twice.

Julie reported on the first in person meeting that was coming up and right-of-way notification for mitigation work.  There had been four assessments performed and that there were still some slots open for assessments in June.  Also, there will be an evacuation rehearsal on Sept. 25 with actual evacuation exercises performed. Julie and Elizabeth talked about information on Gobags and what should be in them in case of an actual evacuation. It was suggested that Rosalia McKeen might give a presentation about Gobags at member picnic. Next Firewise meeting will be July 13th.  It was noted that both Bill and Paul helped out with chipping.

Park Repairs:
It was discussed that pavilion painting should be completed before the member picnic on August 24th.  Mark said he would see if Jean Kraus and some others might be interested in an afternoon of painting on the shelter.  Mark had mowed the park and Paul said he would mow the common area around the bus stop.

Forest View Acres Water District:
Next meeting is on June 23rd.

Red Rock Ranch Acres: 
There had been no change in the rezoning application.  Still waiting on word when the County Planning Commission will meet to discuss the request. So far, there are 106 responses in opposition to the rezoning request.

Current Lawsuit Status:

A response to the summons was filed.  There was a reply from the plaintiffs with a new settlement response sent.

New Business: 
Elizabeth went around the Board members for comments. The water at the park is not turned on at this time.
 Julie asked about what the Board thought was prudent and advised (legally) about postings on the website about the lawsuit.

Skip asked about in-person Board meetings.  Most where in favor in continuing Zoom meetings at this time in that it allows Board members that aren’t in town to still attend.

Kevin reminded Mark about asking Palmer Lake if the town might be interested in tennis court repairs at the same time to possibly get a discount with repair company.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:43 with Skip making the motion, Kevin second.  Board approved.

Addendum to May 10, 2021 minutes:

Mark (Secretary) had misunderstood a comment by Jason Schneider about the old building material piled up on the park fence.  He thought it was Craig Pryor that was referenced but it was actually Craig Ketels (a previous owner of the Schneider’s house) that the material belonged to.  Apologies to Craig Pryor about the misunderstanding.  Mark volunteered to remove the old material.