Category: Board of Director Meeting Minutes
Hits: 763

July 12, 2021 Red Rocks Ranch Homeowners Assoc. Monthly Meeting.
 The Zoom meeting started at 7:03 

Board members present: Elizabeth Lonnquist, Kevin Guy, Skip Chang, Bill Griffith, Shannon Kittelson, Julie Pheteplace, Mark Fears

 Guests:Rosalia McKean, Craig Pryor, Julie Yack, Lauren Quinlan Rosalia McKean thanked the Board and offered her help if needed.

Architectural Control: Shannon didn’t have any new business and is following up with Beth Schneider on their driveway.
There was a question about a new resident on Limestone and a deck on Sandstone but no definitive information on either.

Approval of Minutes: June minutes were approved with a motion by Kevin Guy and a second from Bill Griffith.

 Treasurer’s Report:
Bill reported that the HOA had a balance of $26,229.90 in the bank after $2,44.69 in deposits and $2,863.67 in expenses.  He reported that the expenses were accrued from $110.34 for newsletter printing, $2,649.00 in insurance premiums, and $881.11 for FireWise.  In addition, there was another $2,580 spent on legal fees ($7,510.19 ytd).  There has been $8,285.00 in donations ytd which represents about 42% participation.  There was $725.00 in donations and $1,455.00 in legal expenses that hadn’t cleared the bank at the time of the report.  The HOA also netted $1.08 in interest.
There was some discussion of whether last year was some better due to some members contributing at the cleanup day and during some of the FireWise work.

The Treasurer’s report was approved with Kevin having the first motion and Skip the second.

Electronic motions: None

 FireWise: Right of Way clearing was scheduled for July 14.  Skip inquired about chipping days.  They are scheduled on Aug.14 and Sept. 18.

 Old Business: Discussed when to paint the shelter at the park. Reminder for picnic on Aug. 28.

 Forest View Acres Water District:  Next meeting on July 28.

 Red Rock Ranch Acres: 
 It was reported that there was a tentative date of Aug. 5 for a meeting at Centennial Hall in regards to the development.  No new information about the rezoning application.  CDOT comments are being waited upon.

Guest comments: The guest were asked if they had any comments or questions and all declined.

 Lawsuit: A response has been filed and the court procedures are being worked through.  Waiting on a return response.

 New Business:  
Discussion of new owners at 4840 Limestone. 
It has come to the attention of the Board that there has been some advertising of short term rentals (AirBnB, etc.) in the Ranch.  This is not allowed according to the Covenants.  Letters will be sent to make the owners aware of the Covenant regulations.  One of the concerns about short term rentals is the effect on the HOA’s insurance.

Bill sent a thank you letter to the El Paso County road department.
Shannon and Bill said they would help with picnic supplies and work.

The Board would like to thank Director Mark Fears for building the court bench and Director Julie Pheteplace for painting the bench.

 Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:41.