Category: Board of Director Meeting Minutes
Hits: 764

June 13, 2022 Red Rock Ranch Home Owners Association Board Monthly Meeting
Board Members Present:
Kevin Guy, Skip Chang, Bill Griffith, Doreen McLaughlin, Mark Fears

Julie Yack, Sally O’Brian, Craig Pryor

Meeting called to order at 7:07pm by Skip Chang, acting President

Guest Concerns/Requests:
Sally O’Brian has a solar panel request and Julie Yack is requesting an update on status of covenant vote/changes.

Architectural Control:
Board discussed Sally O’Brian’s request for solar panel installation by Skyline Solar.  Mark motioned for approval with Doreen 2nd.  Board approved.
Bill motioned for approval for a Doreen’s fence install.  Mark had the 2nd.  Board approved.  Doreen is finishing up the application.

Skip asked about the required easement from road - it was noted that generally it is 20 feet.
There was a request for a replacement for a shed, decision pending due to the paperwork not submitted at this time.

Minutes approval:
Minutes were approved by the Board with Skip having the motion and Bill the 2nd.

Treasurer’s report:
Bill reported that to date there has been $1,195.18 in contributions.  There was $101.00 in new ACC requests, $17.00 from insurance refund, along with $0.18 in interest as part of the deposits for June.  Ending balance at the time of the report is $21,837.16.  YTD there have been $9,800.00 from 97 HOA members.  This represents a 46% participation rate.  35 members have contributed more than the recommenced $75.00.

Upcoming expenses will include an insurance payment in August as well as monies for the chipper for Firewise.  There should be a reimbursement from the dumpster rental but more funds will probably be needed for Firewise.

 Kevin motioned for approval of the Treasurer’s report with Mark the 2nd.  Board approved.

 Misc. business:
Skip thanked Julie for replacing the flag at the park and Mark for mowing.

Doreen asked about the abandoned house on Spruce and whether the Board should initiate any actions at this time. The house looks as if there is damage to the exterior that would allow more interior damage. Julie Yack suggested checking with El Paso County to find out about rules/regulations covering abandoned buildings.

Neighborhood Clean Up:
Postponed due to the dumpster company not able to supply equipment.  The clean-up is rescheduled for August 6th and 7th.  There will be a new sign-up schedule for working those days.

Forest View Water District:
No new information.

Red Rock Acres development:
No new information.

New Business:
The Board is waiting for remarks from the lawyers about proposed covenant wording/changes.  Julie Yack asked about whether there were any other items being proposed besides the question of chickens.  There have been discussions about including the short term use of goats for fire mitigation as a possible voting item along with the vote on chickens.  No decision has been made at this time.

The concern about trespassers from the Mt. Herman trails was discussed again.  El Paso County and the U.S. Forest service have limited resources for monitoring the area.  Ideas of trail cameras and a neighborhood watch were brought up again.  In addition, hiring an off-duty officer for random checks of the area.  The Forest Service does have the authority to add restrictions but still wouldn’t be able to provide much in the way of manpower for enforcement.  Volunteers might be a possible solution.

Skip asked for additional comments and then asked for a motion to adjourn.  Doreen so motioned with Bill having the 2nd.  Meeting ended at 8:20pm.