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Updates to the members: 

1) Highlights of the Annual Members Meeting: The Member Meeting went well with 72 people and proxies showing up. New Board Members voted to a four year term (2023-2027) on the Red Rocks Ranch Home Owners Board of Directors are Mark Fears, Rosalia McKean, and Scott Miller.  Thank you for your service to our community. Members also voted to not have the annual cleanup this year and save on the dumpster expenses.  

2) The Forest service has done extensive fire mitigation work along Mt Herman Rd and the Mt Herman Preserve area. This is not a function of the Red Rocks Ranch Home Owners Association. There is a large amount of debris to get rid of and although the cheapest way is to have a control burn (This is not the most desirable method due to the chances of a burn getting out of control), the Forest Service has an opportunity to use a masticator which would allow them to chip the piles of wood and debris which is a safer method.  The process of getting rid of the debris may start next week and the effort should be completed within a few weeks. During this "debris removal effort" you may find that some Trails may be closed.
