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{tab=Call To Order}

Presiding: Mark Fears

Present: Mark Fears, Jim Bergeron, Kelly McGuire, Jim Zalmanek, David Weber, Fred Lanyon

Guests: None

The meeting was called to order by President Mark Fears at 1900.  

The minutes of the 09 November 2015 meeting were read and unanimously approved following a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by David Weber.  

{tab=Treasurer's Report}

Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance is $16,613.34.  There have been 139 voluntary donations from residents since the first of the year totaling $5,440.00.  Income includes Architectural control fees amounting to $160.00 and bank interest amounts to $0.71 for a total income of $160.71 since the last meeting and $5,962.10 year to date.  Expenses total $1,349.48 including $1,289 to Philadelphia Insurance Company, $60.00 to Mark Fears for lumber to repair the Park picnic benches, $0.48 to Forest View Acres Water District, and $60.00 for Post Office Box rental fee for a total of $1,349.48 since the last meeting and $3,790.36 year to date. Treasurer David Weber made a motion to donate $200.00 to Tri Lakes Cares as has been the Association custom in past years.  That motion was seconded by Fred Lanyon and carried unanimously. Treasurer’s report unanimously accepted following a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Jim Zalmanek

{tab=Arch Control}

Architectural Control: Chairman Frank Chuba reported via e-mail that there are no new requests.

{tab=Old Business}

Old Business: None

{tab=New Business}

New Business: President Mark Fears stated that he had been approached by resident Don Leffingwell of 18358 Heavens Place, a section of Forest View Estates, who asked if the residents of that area could join with Red Rock Ranch during the annual spring cleanup.  They will be willing to share the cost of the roll-offs.  The Board members present had no objections to that request.

The annual spring cleanup was discussed and it was agreed by all present that a slash program should be added. The number of roll-offs needed will be determined by the Board at a later meeting closer to the cleanup time.  President Mark Fears also stated that he will research the cost of a chipper and hauling the chipped branches away.

President Mark Fears visited Carla and David Thompson in reference to their letter to the Board that was entered into the November meeting minutes.  The Thompsons were not expecting any action on the part of the Board, but did want a letter on record expressing their concerns.  They also thanked President Fears for the visit and the offer to help haul trash if needed.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1924 on a motion by Jim Zalmanek, seconded by Fred Lanyon and the motion was carried unanimously.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 11 January 2016 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street in Monument.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron 

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA

Please Note: These minutes are in draft form only until approved by the RRRHOA Board at the 11 January 2016 meeting.
