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                   Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting 

                                                       13 May 2019


 Presiding: President Beth Lonnquist,  

 Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, Kevin Guy, P.K. Robinson

 Guests:  Shannon Kittleson, Kim and Trey Roby, Ryan and Jamie Madison 

 The meeting was called to order by President Beth Lonnquist at 1902.
 It is noted that a quorum of Board members is not present, therefore, no decisions or approvals can be made at this meeting.
 The minutes of the 08 April 2019 minutes were not approved in lieu of a lack of a quorum.

 Architectural Control:
 As per Association policy, residents Kim and Trey Roby of 18040 Forest View Road presented their requests for a deck and corral fencing.  After discussion with Board members, the Roby’s agreed to alter the fence request from corral to split rail.  Members present agreed to the plans, and as soon as a 5th Board member agrees, the project can proceed pending a building permit number.  The required fee was paid.

Shannon Kittleson stated that they have three lots and asked if permission is needed to erase the lot lines and have one large parcel.  That is accomplished through El Paso County.  She also stated that they are considering a fence in the future and is aware of the request form. 

The Garza home needs driveway information, permit numbers and a check to the HOA.
An e-mail was sent to him in this regard in February, 2019.
No plans have been received from Skip Chang who bought two lots that he will eventually subdivide.  He plans on building a 2400 square foot garage.P.K.Robinson submitted a request for a Tuff Shed at 4625 Limestone Road that measures 6’by 15’.  It is not visible from the street and the required fee was paid.  Approval will be given when a 5th member agrees with the 4 Board members present.

President Lonnquist will send a letter to the Kraus residence about a portable toilet that has been next to the one stall detached garage for some time.  That will be sent with Board approval once a quorum is achieved.

Ryan and Jamie Madison had received a letter from the RRRHOA concerning chickens on their property and asked to address the Board about the matter.  He stated that the realtor who sold the house assured them that chickens were permissible on the Ranch and they further felt that chickens were not considered animals or livestock.  President read the covenants regarding animals that does include chickens as prohibited and assured the couple that the Board is bound to enforce all aspects of the covenants.  It was agreed that the chickens would be removed within 30 days. Mr. Madison gave an envelope to Kevin Guy with a request for fencing. No action taken with a lack of a quorum.


Treasurer’s Report: The current bank balance is $15,784.05   Deposits: 


     Bank Interest…………… .        0.50       Firewise, P. Hall Agency…….75.00 Expenses:

     Safety Deposit Box………$20.00

     Firewise, U. of Nevada……105.00

     Firewise, Bags ………,,,….217.37

     Firewise, CUSP.…….……1,500.00

Total contributions for 2019..$6,190.00

Contributors above $75……25
 Treasurer’s Report not approved in lieu of a lack of a quorum.

Old Business: There were 45 responses, or 25%, of survey contact forms printed in the spring newsletter. 

Web site – Contact form, similar to Architectural control.. forwards to rrrfirewise.com. Minutes: March minutes were approved, but not posted on the web.  April minutes were not approved, but were posted.  Web master Kevin Guy will rectify that.
Covenant Policy: Was emended in November 2018, but have not been posted.  Kevin Guy will post changes.

Member meeting: 15 homeowners attended, plus Board members.

Clean Up: Dates are 7 and 8 June 2019, or earlier if roll-offs are filled. One of the two is paid by CONO and the other by RRRHOA.  Board members will be asked to sign up for shifts at the site.  There is concern about residents dumping unaccepted items at night such tires and electronics for which the Association must pay extra money. 


New Business:  

     Firewise: There have been complaints about absentee owners with overgrown lots, but there is nothing in the covenants giving the Association any authority to have the lots cleaned up.

There will be 5 chipping days this year and the response from homeowners has been fewer than expected.  The next Firewise meeting will be on 15 May 2019 at the Betzler home.

NEPCO: Brian Megan and Representative Terry Carver will be speakers at the next meeting on 18 May 2019.

Park Water Shed: Kevin Guy will asses the damage done by the windstorm and advise the Board.  He feels repairs will cost$200 to $250.  Board members agreed to help with repairs.

Electronic Communication: E-mails have been gathered with their requests as to the type of communication they would like to receive.  All information is BCC  - we do not distribute homeowner’s e-mails.  Kevin Guy will have two lists for emergency listing and general HOA information that will reply to RRRHOA.com and one listing to Firewise reply to Firewise.com.

Architectural Control: President Lonnquist said she will be the gateway until a new Architectural Control Chairman is appointed to replace Frank Chuba who resigned from the Board.

Resident Patti Farley-Barker submitted pictures of a “No Trespassing” sign near Granite Circle that she says has been a trail used for years by residents.  The area in question is actually private property that residents used to go to the National Forest and the landowner is within his rights to block the path on his property.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2031 and the Board went into Executive Session.

Executive session ended at 2042. 

Meeting adjourned at 2043.


The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on 10 June 2019 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.

 Respectfully submitted,

 Jim Bergeron  
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA





























