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         Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

                                                   11 November 2019

 Presiding: Beth Lonnquist

Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, PK Robinson, Shannon Kittelson, Paul Tillotson, Julia Pheteplace

Guests: Skip Chang, Dr. David Bohn

 The meeting was called to order by President Beth Lonnquist at 1900.

 Architectural ControlResident Chris Abeyta of 4640 Limestone Road requested permission to add solar panels to his residence.  Pictures of the proposed panels, materials were reviewed, and they will have a southern exposure.  The site of the house is such that the panels will not be readily seen from the road or by neighbors.  Julia Pheteplace made a motion to approve with a second by Paul Tillotson.  Passed unanimously.

A prospective buyer of the residence at 3830 Range View Road asked about building a small “mother-in-law” residence next to the current house.  The request was denied because of rules prohibiting lot splitting and the home would be smaller than covenants require.

 Guest Concerns/Comments: Resident Skip Chang wanted to inform the Board of his on-going water problem at his residence under construction at 18439 Forest View Road.  At this time the Water Board has been unable to locate a water main to connect to Mr. Chang’s home.  The Water Board estimates that it will cost $130,000 to locate and extend a water line to that home, which Mr. Chang said is progressing ahead of schedule.  Jim Bergeron asked Mr. Chang if he would be responsible for the $130,000 and the answer was “no” since it is the responsibility of the Water Board to provide water service.

Resident Dr. David Bohn questioned whether there will be safeguards for neighbors of businesses on the Ranch and if there will be recourse for those neighbors with complaints.  He was told that Board member Kevin Guy is currently drafting a policy covering businesses on the Ranch which will also cover those issues.

 Minutes: The RRRHOA minutes from the 21 October 2019 were previously approved electronically.

 Treasurer’s Report: The bank balance is $20,968.60.

     Income:     $150.00…………..HOA Fees

                             0.71…………..Bank Interest

Outstanding checks not cleared by bank…..$195.00  (Mowing of Nevins Park)


     Total Annual 2019 Interest……………..$5.50

      Net Firewise Expenses to date………….2,332.30  (Brochures, bags, chipper)

Treasure’s Report accepted following a motion by P.K. Robinson and a second by Julia Pheteplace.

 Old Business: Insurance coverage for RRRHOA will be provided by State Farm and will cover volunteers.  Motion to accept that provider was made by Julia Pheteplace with a second from P.K. Robinson.  All Board members present concurred.

 Web Site: Board member Shannon Kittelson said she is not receiving e-mails sent to the Board.  Paul Tillotson said he will ensure that all Board members are included.

 Firewise: The Firewise Committee requested $1,000.00 for their next year budget.  There is still $1,000.00 from NFPA for next year and they may also have $1,000.00 from the State Forest Service to use until June.  Chipping dates for 2020 are May, June, August and September with the chipper from Tri Lakes Fire District being available.  Motion to fund $1,000.00 was made by Julia Pheteplace and seconded by Shannon Kittelson.  Board concurred.  Director Pheteplace said her husband David will pick up trash at Nevins Park this coming weekend.

 New Business:  Residents at 17955 Red Rock Drive asked for an exemption to operate an Air BNB at their residence because they are on the edge of the development.  The Board unanimously agreed that no exemption would be given since it violates the covenants and in addition, having a BNB on the Ranch impacts HOA insurance rates. President Lonnquist will notify the requesters.

 With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2008 to go into Executive Session.

Executive Session ended at 2035.

The meeting was adjourned at 2035 on a motion by P.K. Robinson and seconded by Julia Pheteplace.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 09 December 2019 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument. The December meeting will be on 10th.

Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron, Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA

