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Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Board Meeting

March 8, 2021
Zoom connection started the meeting at 7:10

Board members attending:
Shannon Kittelson, Elizabeth Lonnquist, Skip Chang, Paul Tillotson, Julie Pheteplace, Kevin Guy, Bill Griffith, Mark Fears

Guests attending:
Edward and Tina Contract, Craig Pryor, David and Julie Yack

Guest Concerns:
Each guest was given 2 minutes to speak. Members had concerns relating to the HOA filings in 2017. Mr. David Yack demanded Board action within a 2 week time period. President Elizabeth Lonnquist thanked the guests for their concerns, stated the board would look into the issue brought to the Board’s attention. President Elizabeth stated the Board would address this issue at a later Board meeting.

Architectural Control:
Director Shannon Kittelson presented the following requests:
David and Lesa Weitz’s request for a log cabin style shed. No Decision was made.

Kathy Davis had a request for approval for refurbishing a deck. Director Bill Griffith made a motion to approve the request with Director Mark Fears for the second. The Board approved the request.

Brad Moulden (?) requested the installation of a green house. Director Julie Pheteplace motioned for approval and Director Kevin Guy was the second. Board approved on condition of receipt of the fee.

President Elizabeth Lonnquist reported that Mark Morton, at 18365 Forest View Rd., had informed the Board that he would be parking on the street because of work being done on his driveway. The only issue would be when snow plows come thru and the homeowner was aware of that.

Approval of the Minutes:
The February minutes were approved with a motion from Director Julie Pheteplace and a second from Director Bill Griffith and a vote from the Board.

Treasurer’s report:
Director Bill Griffith presented the treasurer’s report. Deposits were $500.20 and expenses were $1,077.69. Ending balance was $25,265.37. Director Bill Griffith stated he would follow up on mowing expense that was incurred last year. The report was approved with a motion from Director Kevin Guy, seconded by Paul Tillotson, and voted in favor by the Board. Director Shannon abstained from the vote.

Future Budget:
Director Bill Griffith presented the Budget for 2021 . Director Julie Pheteplace motioned to approve the 2021 budget with Director Skip Chang seconding. Board voted for approval. Director Mark Fears estimated costs for resurfacing the tennis court between $4000 - $10,000. No Motion was taken.

Old Business:
Web Site:
Director Paul Tillotson and Director Kevin Guy reported the web site is functioning well and as expected.

Director Julie Pheteplace reported that first meeting is scheduled on April 7. Chipping dates are set for June 12, July 17, Aug. 14, and Sept. 18. One Assessor is available to do FireWise Assessments on homes by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

President Beth Lonnquist reported on Tri-Lakes Methodist Church and it’s Emergency Preparedness Workshop which is modeled on our FireWise program. RRHOA FireWise is being used as a model for neighborhoods in several states as well as Colorado counties.

Forest View Acres Water District:
President Elizabeth Lonnquist reported that developer had pulled his request for inclusion. She also said that there were 78 responses in opposition to the rezoning request. The County Planning Commission has not set a date for a hearing. There was some discussion about Mark’s article and whether it should have an attribution.

Chickens on Range View:
President Elizabeth Lonnquist reported that a registered letter was sent on 2/23/2021. I response has not been received at the time of this meeting.

President Elizabeth Lonnquist also for approval of the letter to send to Craig Pryor. Director Skip Chang motioned for approval with Director Bill Griffith seconding. The Board approved the letter with Director Shannon Kittelson abstaining.

President Elizabeth Lonnquist asked for input on the newsletter. Bill said he some updated financial information to add. Approval will be done electronically.

Covenant Enforcement policy:
Moved to a later date.

Covenant Change policy:
The policy was discussed and changed in 2017 but never posted on the website. It was decided to post it now.

Member meeting:
President Elizabeth Lonnquist reported due to Covid-19 that the meeting will be a Zoom meeting. The minutes, Treasurer’s report, and Budget will be presented for approval. 42 lot owners will be needed for a quorum. There will be a request again in anyone wants to serve on the board so a vote might be held.

Because there hasn’t been a quorum for a vote on Board members, Board members have been appointed per the bylaws as a consequence. Elizabeth explained the length of terms for the Board and when elections should be held if there is enough homeowners for a vote.

There was a motion by Director Skip Chang and a second by Director Bill Griffith to approve the terms for the members on the Board. There was a Board approval.

New sale:
Joshua and Donna Lambert, 3625 Range View Rd.

New Business:
Director Kevin Guy reported on some options for a consolidated trash pickup.
Director Kevin Guy also requested and executive session about arbitration.
Director Kevin Guy reported on the sprinkler system in the park. Repairs will be made.

Craig Pryor requested correction of earlier minutes to reflect changes Maria Kowalski requested. Maria Kowalski feels her chickens are domestic and not covered by the ‘no poultry’ section of the Covenants. The correction had been noted in the February minutes.

The next meeting was discussed in regards to how many participants our Zoom account will handle.

Director Paul Tillotson motioned for adjournment and Director Skip Chang had the second. Board approved the motion at 8:50 pm.
