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Due to low usage of the cleanup this year, we will be able to take limited slash after noon Sunday.
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- Category: General news
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UPDATE: Important, we are not able to take slash this year due to the increased and prohibitive expense.
The annual cleanup will be conducted on Saturday, 03 June through Monday, 05 June with hours from 8am to 4pm. Due to the prohibitive expense, no chipping will be allowed this year. Residents who wish to have brush/slash chipped will be given times and dates when the Black Forest chipping area will accept brush/slash and chip it for a small donation. There is also an event in Woodmoor at the same time that will take slash for a small donation. We will have details available about that as well. President Beth Lonnquist researched funds available for chipping and found none available at this time. We are looking into alternatives in future years where those looking to dump small amounts may do so without funding the expense for those looking to completely clear their property.
The exception to the slash rule is that if after Monday at 2pm we have space left in the dumpsters we will allow slash at that time on a first come first served basis. Please limit yourself to reasonable quantities so others may dump as well.
Residents must be paid up members of the association to dump. If you have not paid, we will ask you to pay at the site. Our donation is $50 this year.
We are having issues with illegal off hours dumping. If this continues we may to to cease with the event as we cannot control the items in the dumpsters and the waste companies may stop providing dumpsters. PLEASE DO NOT DUMP WHEN SITE IS CLOSED OR UNATTENDED. IF no-one is there the site is closed. This is also indicated by the yellow no tresspassing tape around the site.
As always we ask you to follow these rules.
- We cannot accept anything of a hazmat or restricted nature. No electronics/gas/oil/paints/… This includes that oil and gas must be drained from lawn-mowers and other power tools. See a fuller list with the "Read More" button below.
- Enter and exit the event from the HOA drive on Sunburst. The property to the south of the tennis court is private property and we must respect the owners.
- If the event is closed DO NOT ENTER. Contact a board member to see if any off hours dumping can be accommodated.
- We must close the dumpster for additional items when it reaches the top due to provider rules. Help us out on this by compressing, breaking down and cutting up odd shaped items.
- Check the website for live updates regarding closures or postponements due to weather or other reasons.
- Event volunteers can help with light unloading but may not be able to assist with heavier items.
- Please do not arrive early. There is plenty of time to handle everyone. Even if we are there early we are preparing for the day and cannot take you in.
- Please help us reduce expenses by cutting or collapsing large items to a smaller pile.
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- Category: General news
- Hits: 8596
As of the voting deadline votes had been received from the following addresses. If you feel anything here is incorrect please let us know at
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- Category: General news
- Hits: 2791
As of a preliminary vote count on 12/28/2016, the board has not received sufficient votes from residents to indicate a consensus position. As such the board is invoking the stated procedure of extending the voting period by 30 days. As such the new vote closing date is Sunday 1/29/2017. You may continue to return your ballot by mail or directly to a board member. Board members may contact you in to determine if you are willing to provide a vote. You may contact a board member for a ballot or print one from here if you did not receive one or no longer have it.
Our mailing address is P.O. Box 1463, Monument, CO 80132