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RRRHOA Montyly Board Meeting                                                          February 12, 2024

 An Executive Session was held at 6pm on February 12 with consents to legal issues surrounding ACC rules.


Meeting Location: Zoom meeting.  Meeting was called to order by President Lonnquist at 7:01pm

Board members in attendance: President Lonnquist, Director Pheteplace, Director Quinlan, Director Kittleson, Director Guy, Vice President Miller and Director Jones.

Resident guests in Attendance: Mr. Nowacki

Vice President Miller nominated Mr. Chris Jones to the Board.  Director Pheteplace made the second and the Board approved the nomination unanimously.  Director Jones will be on the Board until the elections at the annual member meeting.


Architectural Control:  There was discussion about the placement of the Stelzner’s playhouse.  It was decided that the Board will send the Stelzner’s another letter letting them know the request will not be approved and give them several suggestions to make the playhouse compliant with ACC requirements. Director Quinlan made a motion to approve sending the letter, Director Kittleson made the second and the motion was approved.  Director Jones abstained.


Approval of the minutes:  Vice President Miller made a motion to approve the January meeting minutes, Director Quinlan made the second.  The January meeting minutes were approved and will be posted to the RRR HOA website.  Director Jones abstained.


Treasurer’s report: Treasurer Griffith was absent and will review the Monthly Treasurer’s report at the next meeting.


Old Business:  

Web Site:  Director Guy will post NDA form to request the 2021 settlement agreement.  It can be found under the Information tab, downloadable documents, on the RRRHOA website (rrrhoa.org).  Director Guy will also post the Special Meeting Minutes.


Firewise:  The FireWise Committee is waiting for the Fire Department chipping schedule. Fire Adapted Colorado (FACO) is offering a 6-week program called Wildfire Neighborhood Ambassadors - 6 modules starting Feb. 21, 2024.  It is a free program via Zoom. 


Liability Insurance: New insurance is in place.

Forest View Acres Water District:  Next meeting January 28

New Developments:  There was discussion on the proposed development Red Rock Acres. 

NEW Business:

NEWSLETTER: The annual HOA Newsletter will be mailed to all members in March.


GARBAGE COLLECTION: There was discussion regarding the possibility of organizing a group rate for the HOA members for garbage collection.  No decisions were made.  Action Item: Director Pheteplace and President Lonnquist will gather more information.


Homeowner correspondence to the Board:

Jan/Feb home owner correspondence for Feb Board meeting

 Mr. Nowacki 2 Jan email, RRR Sep 11 Meeting Minutes – Board Concerns (2). Mr. Nowacki expressed his concern about a “bullying” statement made by a Board member. The Board sent Mr. Nowacki an email on 2 Jan the issueThis issue was addressed at the Jan Board meeting – CLOSED. 

  1. Mr. Nowacki 2 Jan email, RRRBOD Minutes Inaccuracies Inconsistencies and Omissions – Record. The Board thanks Mr. Nowacki for his views on Recording ZOOM meetings for more accurate minutes. - CLOSED
  2. Mr. Nowacki 2 Jan email, RRRBOD Email, Correspondence, Contact Issues. Mr. Nowacki points out concerns with the Board’s correspondence system.  Sending a letter to the Board is an option to remedy your concern. - CLOSED
  3. Mr. Pryor 2 Jan email, November meeting minutes. Mr. Pryor comments about the minutes are noted.  The Board will no longer respond to Mr. Pryor on CRS 38 except for the 5 status that apply to the RRR HOA. - CLOSED
  4. Mrs. Yack 3 Jan email, Homeowner email list management. The Board thanks the Yack’s for suggesting a management tool the Board might find useful, however we have security concerns about the tool. - CLOSED
  5. Mr. Pryor 3 Jan email, Special meetings. Mr. Pryor was advised at Jan meeting he referred to the wrong CRS and therefore his request was not valid.  He was advised to resubmit the request referencing the correct statute.  The Board sent him an email on 5 Jan advising him the same – CLOSED 
  6. Mr. Nowacki 4 Jan email, RRRBOD Document Review Request. Mr. Nowacki requested additional documents from the Board.  Mrs. Lonnquist indicated such documents may exist, but the Board has no direct knowledge that any such documentation regarding the bus stop does exists.  Further, the HOA does not maintain an Asset Register. - CLOSED
  7. Mr. Pryor 9 Jan email, Response to statement. This was discussed at Dec Board meeting.  The Board will only address the 5 CCIOA statutes that apply to RRR HOA.  CLOSED
  8. Mr. Yack 9 Jan email, Mailchimp FYI. The Board thanks the Yack’s for their clarification about Mailchimp security.  CLOSED
  9. Mr. Pryor 10 Jan email, Harassment. The Board acknowledges Mr. Pryor’s views regarding harassment - CLOSED
  10. Mr. Pryor 10 Jan email, Park Committee meetings. No additional committee meetings planed.  The Board sent Mr. Pryor an email on 14 Jan advising him accordingly. – CLOSED 
  11. Mr. Pryor 14 Jan email, Re: Email. The Board suggests using USPS for correspondence that requires attachments.  Correspondence to the Board will be listed in the minutes beginning in February. - CLOSED
  12. Mr. Pryor 19 Jan email, Special Meeting Minutes. The July Special meeting minutes will be posted in February. - CLOSED
  13. Mr. Pryor 19 Jan email, Re: Email. The Board suggests using USPS for correspondence that requires attachments.  Correspondence to the Board will be listed in the minutes beginning in February. - CLOSED
  14. Mr. Pryor 21 Jan email, Information. Board members are receiving all correspondence. - CLOSED
  15. Mr. Nowacki 26, Settlement Agreement Request Follow-up. The NDA has been received. - CLOSED
  16. Mr. Pryor 30 Jan email, Messages. Mr. Pryor was sent an email on 30 Jan confirming his email was received. - CLOSED
  17. Mr. Nowacki 30 Jan email, Bully? Removal from ZOOM?. The Board will submit the Meeting Rules and Standards of Conduct policy via an email by those who requested email notification on policy changes and in the Feb meeting minutes. - CLOSED
  18. Mr. & Mrs. Mutz 3 Feb, Repair driveway. They were sent an email on 3 Feb advising the county is responsible for the damage. - CLOSED


RRR HOA Meeting Rules of Conduct: The Rules of Conduct policy will be posted on the RRR HOA website and emailed to members who have provided their email address for a 30-day review.  Director Pheteplace made a motion to approve the policy and Director Jones made the second.  The policy was approved unanimously.


Resident concerns:


Mr. Nowacki is concerned about preservation and sharing of member correspondence.   Action Item: Board will evaluate if it is legal  to share member correspondence.

Mr. Nowacki sent an email through the HOA website on February 3.  Board did not receive, Mr. Nowacki will resend.


Round the room:  Director Quinlan brought up the option of in person meetings.  There was discussion about possible locations to hold meeting.  No decisions were made, meetings will continue to be via Zoom.


Next Meeting: March 11, 2024


2024 dates:    January 8                      February 12                              March 11                       April 22

                        May13                           June 8 meeting & picnic              July 8                           August 12

                        September 9                 October 14                                November 11                 December 9

Large garbage day June 15. 

 Director Guy made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Vice President Miller made the second.  The Board unanimously approved adjournment.  President Lonnquist adjourned the meeting at 8:08 pm.


Rules of Conduct Policy for 30-day review:

Overview:The goal and purpose of these Meeting Rules and Standards of Conduct is to foster an environment of mutual respect and cooperation as both Board members and Guests of the RRHOA participate in RRRHOA Board meetings.

Guests Speaking at Board meetings:

  1. The Meeting Agenda needs to be the priority of meeting.
  2. The President will assign a time allotment for the Guest to speak.
    1. The Guest should plan to stop talking at the end of their time allotment.
    2. If needed, the Guest may request additional time from the President, and the President may grant or deny more time.
    3. Unused time from one Guest cannot be given to another Guest.
  3. Guests may speak at the meeting:
    1. After being acknowledged by the President.
    2. For up to 3 minutes after the Board has completed their discussion of an agenda item and before the Board votes on the agenda item.
    3. For up to 3 minutes during the open forum/new business portion of the meeting.
    4. For up to 15 minutes after requesting to be placed on the meeting agenda at least 3 days prior to the Board meeting. Any materials they want to present will be provided at least 3 days prior to the meeting.
    5. The time required to respond to Board questions is not counted against the Guest’s allotted time.
  4. Guests must provide the following:
    1. The Guest must be physically present at the meeting or logged on for a Zoom/WebEx type meeting. As a courtesy to the Zoom/WebEx meeting participants providing a video image would be appreciated.
    2. Memes and/or filters may not be used by the Guest.
    3. Guest must identify themselves, their address, and identify themselves as being members of the RRRHOA (if applicable).
    4. If a Guest has material to submit and discuss with the Board, those documents must be submitted at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting date in pdf form so the Board can review and be prepared to discuss the subject and ask questions to the Guest.
  5. All audio, video, and media presentations during the meeting will be controlled by the Board and Officers.

Board Members speaking at meetings:

  1. A Board member may request a time allotment from the President to speak on a topic or ask questions to a Guest.
  2. The President may set the time limit for the Board to discuss or debate any topic during a meeting. The President can also extend the time on any topic at the current meeting or into the next meeting if needed.
  3. Board members addressed by a guest with a question will respond to the question or advise when a response will be provided.


Board members and Guest Conduct at Meeting:

  1. If the President provides a time allotment to a Board member or Guest to speak, the expectation is the Board member or Guest will not be interrupted during that time slot except by the President for special circumstances.
  2. Any Board member or Guest who is disrespectful, disruptive, or interruptive during a meeting will get a maximum of 2 warnings from the President prior to being evicted.
  3. Any Board member or Guest that threatens (including legal threats) the Board, Board member(s), or a Guest can be evicted by the President with no prior warnings.

