RRRHOA Monthly Board Meeting March 11, 2024
Meeting Location: Zoom meeting. Meeting was called to order by President Lonnquist at 7:07pm
Board members in attendance: President Lonnquist, Director Pheteplace, Director Quinlan, Director Kittleson, Director Guy, Vice President Miller, Treasurer Griffith and Director Williams. Director Jones was absent.
Resident guests in Attendance: Mr. Nowacki, Mr. Pryor and John “Caz” Mihlbachler
Mr. Craig Williams agreed to sit on the HOA Board, filling a vacant Director seat until the April Member meeting where he will run for election. He shared a bit about himself and Director Pheteplace made a motion to approve and Vice President Miller made the second and the Board approved the nomination unanimously.
Architectural Control: There was discussion about the Stelzner’s playhouse. Director Kittleson made a motion to approve the ACC request and Treasurer Griffith made the second. The board approved the request unanimously.
There was discussion regarding John Mihlbachler’s garage. Mr. Mihlbachler answered several questions and Director Pheteplace made a motion to approve the ACC request. Vice President Miller made the second and the board unanimously approved he request pending payment by Mr. Mihlbachler.
Approval of the minutes: Treasurer Griffith made a motion to approve the February meeting minutes, Vice President Miller made the second. The February meeting minutes were approved and will be posted to the RRR HOA website.
Treasurer’s report: Treasurer Griffith reviewed the February report as he was absent at the last meeting. Beginning balance was $27536.91, there were no expenses, Deposits were $716 insurance refund, $275 in HOA contributions, $25 ACC fee and 24 cents in interest. Ending balance was $28553.15. Vice President Miller made a motion to approve the February Treasurer’s report and Director Pheteplace made the second. The February Treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.
Treasurer Griffith reviewed the March report. Beginning balance was $28553.15. Expenses were $10 for Web site maintenance, $10 Secretary of State, $55 NEPCO dues. Deposits were $150 HOA contributions, $26.55 insurance refund, 23 cents interest. Ending balance was $28654.93. Director Guy made a motion to approve the March Treasurer’s report and Director Kittleson made the second. The March Treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.
Treasurer Griffith made an adjustment to the 2024 budget. $100 was added to website maintenance and $100 was removed from the Tri Lakes Cares donation. Vice President Miller made a motion to approve the budget adjustment and Director Pheteplace made the second. The budget adjustment was approved- Director Kittleson abstained as she had stepped away.
Old Business:
Web Site: Director Guy will update the website and post the meeting minutes when they have been approved by the board.
Firewise: Monument Fire Department will hold a sign up for chipping dates beginning on March 16 at 10:00 AM.
We should be able to secure two chipping dates with the fire department. There will be a controlled burn along Mt. Herman Road in May or June.
Park: Vice President Miller and Mrs. McKean are working on the park plan. Resurfacing of the tennis courts would be 10’s of thousands of dollars. They are looking into costs for filling cracks and repainting the tennis court for pickle ball and tennis. They will present the plan at the member meeting in April.
Forest View Acres Water District: Next meeting March 27.
New Developments: There was discussion on the proposed development Red Rock Acres.
NEWSLETTER: Treasurer Griffith made a motion to approve the annual newsletter and Vice President Miller made the second. The newsletter was unanimously approved and will be sent out in the next week or two.
NEW Business:
Member meeting will be held April 22, 2024 at 7:00pm at the Monument Chamber of Commerce, 166 second street. Doors open at 6:30pm. The vote counters will be selected from the audience at the meeting. There will be an election for 3 Board of Director seats. Member meeting minutes need to be approved by a majority of the member meeting quorum.
Vice President Miler made a motion to approve the homeowner correspondence responses and Director Pheteplace made the second. The homeowner correspondence was approved unanimously.
Homeowner correspondence to the Board:
Feb/March home owner correspondence for Board meeting
Feb/Mar correspondence to/from Board for Mar Board meeting
- Board email blast sent 13 Feb, RRR HOA Meeting Rules and Standards of Conduct policy for comment.
- Furrer 16 Feb email, HOA dues statement. Board email sent to Mr. Furrer 16 Feb. CLOSED
- Yack 19 Feb email, Blast email. Board response 19 Feb. CLOSED
- Nowacki 19 Feb email, Rules of Conduct Policy – Eviction from Zoom. Board email 12 Mar. CLOSED
- Mihlbachler 20 Feb ACC request. CLOSED
- Stelzner 22 Feb email, Playhouse on 18655 Pike View. CLOSED
- Pryor 26 Feb email, Meeting Rules and Conduct comments. Board email acknowledgement sent 28 Feb. Board email 12 Mar. CLOSED
- Yack 26 Feb email to HOA Vice President, Executive sessions. Board email sent 4 Mar and 12 Mar. CLOSED
- Yack 26 Feb email to HOA President, RE: Red Rock Ranch HOA email blast. Board email sent 28 Feb. CLOSED
- Yack 28 Feb email to HOA President, Paving for 2024. Information about paving near Mt Herman road. Noted
- Pryor 28 Feb email to HOA President, Re: Message sent from RRR HOA Membership Meeting April 17 – 7PM. Board email acknowledgement sent 28 Feb. Board email 12 Mar. CLOSED
- Pryor 29 Feb email, Resolution. Previously addressed at Feb Board meeting. Board email 12 Mar. CLOSED
- Yack 7 Mar email, Code of Conduct Feedback. Board acknowledgement 7 Mar. Board email 12 Mar. CLOSED
RRR HOA Meeting Rules of Conduct: The Rules of Conduct policy will be posted on the RRR HOA website and emailed to members who have provided their email address for a 30-day review. DRAFT RRRHOA Board Meeting Rules and Standards of Conduct Policy for 30-day review DRAFT
11 March 2024
Overview: The goal and purpose of these Meeting Rules and Standards of Conduct is to encourage RRRHOA Member participation and foster an environment of mutual respect and cooperation as both Board members, RRRHOA Members, and guests of the RRRHOA participate in RRRHOA Board meetings. Except for Executive sessions, Board meetings are open to RRRHOA Members and a RRRHOA Member’s representative designated in writing by that Member. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent version of Robert’s Rules of Order.
HOA Members and guests speaking at Board meetings:
1) The meeting agenda needs to be the priority of meeting.
2) The President will assign a time allotment for the HOA Members and guests to speak.
a) HOA Members and guests should plan to stop talking at the end of their time allotment.
b) If needed, HOA Members and guests may request additional time from the President, and the President may grant or deny more time.
c) Unused time from one HOA Member or guest cannot be given to another HOA Member or guest.
3) HOA Members and guests may speak at the meeting:
a) After being acknowledged by the President.
b) For up to 3 minutes after the Board has completed their discussion of an agenda item and before the Board votes on the agenda item.
c) For up to 3 minutes during the open forum/new business portion of the meeting.
d) For up to 15 minutes after requesting to be placed on the meeting agenda at least 3 days prior to the Board meeting, provided those materials are received at least 3 days prior to the meeting.
e) The time required to respond to Board questions is not counted against the HOA Member’s or guest’s allotted time.
4) HOA Members and guests must provide the following:
a)HOA Members and guests must be physically present at the meeting or logged on for a Zoom/Webex type meeting. As a courtesy to the Zoom/Webex meeting participants providing a video image would be appreciated.
b)Memes and/or filters may not be used by HOA Members or guests
c) HOA Members or guests must identify themselves, their address, and identify themselves as being members of the RRRHOA (if applicable).
d) If an HOA Member or guest has material to submit and discuss with the Board, those documents must be submitted at least three days prior to the scheduled meeting date in pdf form so the Board can review and may be prepared to discuss the subject and ask questions to the HOA Member or guest. This can be sent through the USPS or if a request to send materials is sent through the website, and an email may be provided.
5) All audio, video, and media presentations during the meeting will be controlled by the Board and Officers.
Board Members speaking at meetings:
1) Board member may request a time allotment from the President to speak on a topic or ask questions to an HOA Member or guest.
2) The President may set the time limit for the Board to discuss or debate any topic during a meeting. The President can also extend the time on any topic at the current meeting or into the next meeting if needed.
3) Board members addressed by an HOA Member or guest with a question will respond to the question or advise when a response will be provided.
Board Members, HOA Members, and guest conduct at meetings:
- If the President provides a time allotment to a Board Member, HOA Member, or guest to speak, the expectation is the Board member, HOA Member, or guest will not be interrupted during that time slot except by the President for special circumstances.
- Any Board Member, HOA Member, or guest who is disrespectful, disruptive, or interruptive during a meeting will get 1 warning maximum from the President prior to being removed from the meeting. Should the Board Member, HOA Member, or guest not comply, the meeting may be adjourned.
- Any Board Member, HOA Member, or guest that threatens the Board, Board member(s), HOA Member(s), or a guest can be removed by the President with no prior warnings. Should the Board Member, HOA Member, or guest not comply, the meeting may be adjourned.
Resident concerns:
Mr. Nowacki expressed concern about members not seeing written correspondence to the board. Vice President Miller explained the Board is following Colorado law regarding correspondence to the Board. Specifically, Colorado Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act, Article 7-136-101/102 states that member correspondence to the Board is not releasable to members.
Mr. Nowacki would like to see a letter of candidacy for candidates running for board seats and would like clarification on appointed members. He also suggested creating a committee to avoid having to wait a year to approve the member meeting minutes.
Member meeting minutes must be approved by a majority of the members. The members only meet once a year.
Mr. Pryor expressed concern about vacant board positions being filled without notification to members. The RRRHOA Covenants give the Board the authority to fill vacant Board positions. The covenants do not require the Board to notify members before filling a vacant Board position.
Mr. Pryor pointed out that the member meeting date is incorrect on the website. The Board recently revised the meeting date because of facility availability. Consequently, it may take a few days for the HOA webmaster to update the website.
Round the room: Treasurer Griffith advised that The Corporate Transparency Act may affect HOA’s. PII for each board member may be required by the end of the year.
President Lonnquist advised of a bill (HB24-1152) that addresses Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU). This bill may not apply to high fire danger areas, like RRR.
Next Meeting: April 22, 2024
2024 dates: January 8 February 12 March 11 April 22
May13 June 8 meeting & picnic July 8 August 12
September 9 October 14 November 11 December 9
Large garbage day June 15.
Vice President Miller made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Treasurer Griffith made the second. The Board unanimously approved adjournment. President Lonnquist adjourned the meeting at 8:25 pm.