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As we hunker down for winter and get ready for the holidays, take time to visit with neighbors and shout out a “happy holidays”. The more we work together, the closer our neighborhood will become.

In 2018 we have had a great year with FireWise. Dave Betzler lead our FireWise committee and Dave Pheteplace lead our chippers. There is a committee of 7 neighbors, and they have more work for more volunteers, join if you can! Red Rock Ranch HOA was able to secure a grant for $6200 for 2018 from the Colaition for the Upper South Platte(CUSP). This allowed us to reduce fuels at 71 homes with 6 chipping days, and give advice to 21 homeowners with the home assessment tools from CUSP and the help from the Tri Lakes Fire Department. There is a Community Wildfire Preparedness Plan (CWPP) on the web that sets goals for the next 10 years to make Red Rock Ranch a safer neighborhood. Look this up at the Colorado State Forest Service web site... search for CWPP , there are over 80 pages of great information for our area. The good news is... we are on our way. With our Firewise designation, check with your Home owner’s insurance and you may be able to get a discount.

Red Rock Ranch has been chosen as one of seven neighborhoods in the United States by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), to participate in a pilot program for 2019 and 2020. This comes with $1000 to help with our future mitigation and fuel reduction. Great things are to come!

Don’t forget your HOA donation next year, and the member meeting in April 2019. FireWise has requested more funding to expand this year’s efforts. We will be looking to fix the Tennis courts in 2019 or 2020, depending on funds available and a new plan for the park.

Drive carefully on the ranch. There are kids, dogs, wildlife we are sharing this beautiful landscape with and we need to drive slowly in order to take it all in and not hit anyone... furry or otherwise.

This is truly a great place to live and I am honored to be on your RRRHOA board.

Happy Holidays!

Elizabeth Lonnquist
Red Rock Ranch President
