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Picnic:  We had a great turn out at our picnic this year, over 50 people!  Tri Lakes Fire Department Battalion Chief Jamie Bumgarner was our presenter.  He talked about the importance of signing up for Reverse 911 calls, having a go bag ready, and knowing all the exits from Red Rock Ranch in any directions.   “Ready, Set, Go” was discussed. 

  • Be Ready: Create and maintain defensible space and harden your home against flying embers.
  • Get Set: Prepare your family and home ahead of time for the possibility of having to evacuate.
  • Be Ready to GO!: Take the evacuation steps necessary to give your family and home the best chance of surviving a wildfire.

 Board: We have a full Board of Directors, thank you goes out to those who are volunteering and those who have volunteered in the past.  What makes this a great place to live in? Great neighbors.

 FireWise is going strong with the last date was October 12.  This is a “neighbor helping neighbor” project created to help reduce fire fuels in our neighborhood.   If you want to help this year or next, please email the board and we will get you to the right person!

Bears/Deer: This has been quite the bear year by the photos posed on Next Door.  I do not remember ever having so many bear in the area all summer long. Please put away any source of food at night... humming bird feeders, bird seed, garbage cans, etc.  Bears will be looking to store up for the winter before they hibernate.  (PS. deer do not digest bird seed, it can be toxic for them)  There are bears in some parts of the US that do not hibernate due to access to food from humans... We can make a difference.

Chickens:  We have some HOA members interested in having Chickens.  By their own admission they did not realize they could not have chickens they are not allowed.  There is a process to amend the covenants, which starts with a petition.  There will be a couple of people going around asking for signatures.   If you are interested in signing that petition for Chickens, then you can also contact the board.
If you have any comments you would like to add about chickens, please contact the board.

Hunker down and stay warm!
Beth Lonnquist
RRRHOA President
