The world has changed!
The Board decided to cancel the April 13 Member Meeting at the Woodmoor Barn due to COVID-19 Concerns.
The HOA Board will meet online on April 13. If there are any issues you would like to bring to our attention, please contact the president under the Board of Directors tab. We will do our best to discuss the issue you have.
I hope everyone is doing their best to shelter in place. It has been a few weeks and will probably continue in the near future. Keep distancing yourselves and do the best you can to help neighbors in need.
Helping neighbors: A couple of board members are sewing masks.
If you are in need of a mask, there are a few people sewing home versions and are willing to make some for you. These are not Medical grade, but are helpful for running errands or going to the grocery store. Anyone who wants to make masks for neighbors is welcome to do so. You can contact the HOA President under the board of Directors tab. Julia will drop them off! It may take us awhile, but we will do our best to help.
Stay safe,
Beth Lonnquist