Meeting Minutes
09 March 2009 BOD Minutes
- Details
- Category: Board of Director Meeting Minutes
- Hits: 2141
09 March 2009
Presiding: Bill Martin
Present: Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Kelly McGuire, Jim Zalmanek, Fred Lanyon, David Weber, Frank Chuba
The meeting was called to order by Acting President Bill Martin at 1900.
The minutes of the 09 February 2009 meeting were read and unanimously approved following a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Jim Zalmanek.
{tab=Treasurer's Report}
Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance is $12,153.33. There have been four voluntary donations from residents since the first of the year totaling $155. Expenses to date amount to $58.20 and there have been no fees from Architectural Control.
Treasurer’s report unanimously accepted following a motion by Kelly McGuire and a second by David Weber.
{tab=Arch Control}
Architectural Control: Chairman Frank Chuba reports that no new requests have been made for building and/or alterations to existing structures on the Ranch.
{tab=Old Business}
Old Business: Jim Bergeron reported that resident Dan Elders, owner of Angry Squirrel Tree Service, has offered free use of his commercial chipper on Saturday, 16 May 2009.
Treasurer Bill Martin reported that the area around the residence at 1 Pixie Park does not appear to show much improvement. The grounds are still unkempt with equipment scattered about. President Craig Ketels was to follow up on this, but is absent (and excused because of a prior commitment) so his report will be given at the April Board meeting.
Director Fred Lanyon gave a brief update on the Dyad drilling project at Mount Herman which includes upcoming comments from residents and various reports the company must submit, so it would probably be several months hence before this comes to pass.
Director Jim Zalmanek reported that Intermountain Rural Electric Association (IREA) has been very cordial in his conversations with their representatives, but not much action has been forthcoming. He feels IREA will probably want to dig under Sunburst Drive from a main pedestal to the Association Park which will cost approximately $7,000 to $9,000 and may be slow in responding because there will be very little profit from sale of electricity to the Association. Mr. Zalmanek iterated that this was just his opinion and was not a statement from IREA.
{tab=New Business}
New Business: The members present addressed and stuffed envelopes with the spring newsletter and a self addressed stamped envelope for residents to hopefully remit their voluntary annual donation of $35. The newsletter has been mailed to each Ranch resident/landowner and has been posted on the Association website.
Jim Bergeron thanked Director David Weber on behalf of the Board on his efforts for another fine newsletter.
Treasurer Bill Martin expressed his concern for liability using a commercial chipper with no trained personnel to operate it. Director Jim Zalmanek agreed to be trained and operate the machine on Saturday, 16 May 2009. Jim Bergeron will discuss the matter with Dan Elders.
Director Kelly McGuire mentioned the McLaughlin residence on the corner of Spruce Road and Sandstone which appears to be undergoing interior renovations. There have been moving vans noted at the residence and it does appear vacant at this time. This was brought up as information for Board members. Any exterior changes will require approval of the Architectural Control Committee.
Treasurer Bill Martin stated that the long grass in the landscaped area needs to be trimmed, and his wife Val volunteered to accomplish that with Board approval. There was no objection from the Board. Mrs. Martin also suggested wood chips from the chipper be used in the landscaped area for both attractiveness and moisture control.
Jim Bergeron mentioned the break-in and one attempted break-in on the Ranch within the past few days and also crimes against property within an HOA north of Northgate Road. He stressed the Neighborhood Watch program and noted that it was mentioned in the spring newsletter.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2005 on a motion by Fred Lanyon, seconded by Frank Chuba and carried unanimously.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 13 April 2009 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street in Monument.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA