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Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

11 January 2010

Presiding: Kelly McGuire

Present: Bill Martin, Kelly McGuire, Jim Bergeron, David Weber, Frank Chuba

The meeting was called to order by President Kelly McGuire at 1900.

The minutes of the 14 December 2009 meeting were read and unanimously approved following a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Bill Martin.

{tab=Treasurer's Report}Treasurer’s Report:

Bank balance is $12,303.31.  Two donations have been received since the beginning of 2010 in the amount of $70.

The Annual Treasurer’s Report for calendar year 2009 is attached.

Treasurer’s report for 2009 and 2010 approved unanimously by the Board following a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by David Weber.

{tab=Arch Control}Architectural Control: Chairman Frank Chuba reports no new requests since the last meeting in December 2009.  An owner, Katherine Albert, made a telephone call about property she owns on Sandstone and was advised to check the Association website for covenants and building requests since she indicated she would like to erect a home on her site.  To this date, nothing further has developed.

{tab=Old Business} Old Business:

No old business to discuss.

{tab=New Business}New Business:

Treasurer Bill Martin stated that the Association newsletter should have all input ready for editing by 15 February 2010.  Mr. Martin said he would write a financial report, President Kelly McGuire will write about spring clean-up on the Ranch, and Jim Bergeron will write about the neighborhood watch.

President McGuire reported on the NEPCO meeting he attended on Saturday, 09 January 2010.  He stated that the minutes from those meetings are available on-line at www.nepco.org. and asked if webmaster Jase Campbell could add that to the Association site.

A property management representative was at the meeting and discussed ways homeowners associations can benefit from their expertise, but Mr. McGuire felt with our size, the association would not need their help.  If interested, the website can be accessed at www.JSNProperty.com for more information.

The U. S. census is coming up and questionnaires will be mailed to citizens between 19 and 25 March 2010.  Most will receive a page with ten questions, but occasionally a more detailed one will be randomly mailed.  It is mandatory to answer the questions and return the form- otherwise, a census worker will make a personal visit to your home.

A copy of a letter sent to the El Paso County Roads Department was received by President McGuire (for information purposes) from a resident who had an accident on the Ranch due to roads snow and ice packed on Red Rock Ranch Road.

Director David Weber stated that residents who wish to access minutes from meetings of the Forest View Acres Water District may do so by going to http://fvawd.com.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1928 on a motion by David Weber with a second by Frank Chuba and carried unanimously.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 08 February 2010 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA
