
Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

09 January 2012

Presiding: Kelly McGuire

Present: Kelly McGuire, Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Frank Chuba, Fred Lanyon

Guests: None

Meeting called to order at 1902.

The minutes of the 12 December 2011 meeting were read and amended to correct a statement under New Business concerning the dumpster issue.  President Kelly McGuire said that Baldwin who has provided dumpsters in the past “may or may not discontinue business”.  Additionally, President McGuire spoke with Brian Beland at Tri Lakes Disposal about possible service and a competitive bid and not the disposal site on Washington Street as written in the December minutes.  The amended minutes were unanimously approved following a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Fred Lanyon.

{tab=Treasurer's Report}Treasurer’s Report:

Bank balance is $14,432.54.  There have been four voluntary donations amounting to $70.00.

The Treasurer’s Report was accepted following a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Frank Chuba.

The 2011 Annual Treasurer’s Report is printed on the last page.

{tab=Arch Control}Architectural Control:

Nothing to report since the December meeting.

{tab=Old Business}Old Business:

President Kelly McGuire reported on his research into bags for disposal that can be purchased at Waste Management or stores such as Home Depot.  Waste Management also charges a pickup fee for the bags.  The cost of bags and pickup fee far exceeds the rate the Association now pays for dumpsters, so it was agreed to forgo the bags at this time.  For anyone interested, the information about collection bags can be accessed at thebagster.com.

The subject of moving the location for future RRRHOA meetings was delayed since the full Board of Directors was not present at this meeting and it was decided such an important decision should have full attendance.

{tab=New Business}New Business:

The bi-monthly NEPCO meeting will be held on Saturday, 14 January 2012 in the Monument Town Hall from 1000 to 1200.  Minutes of these meetings are posted on the Association website.

The newsletter will be printed and mailed by Tri Lakes Printing with a target date of the third week in February.  President McGuire will have articles concerning the Ranch wide garage sale, mulching, and dumpster dates.  Architectural Chairman Frank Chuba will submit an article about his office and Jim Bergeron will write about openings being available on the Board of Directors.  Board members are also encouraged to add to the newsletter and submit them to Director David Weber for publication.

President McGuire said he would like to discuss at the February meeting the proposed budget that was submitted to all members by Director David Weber.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1938 on a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Frank Chuba.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 13 February 2012 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA

Please Note: These minutes are in draft form only until approved by the RRRHOA Board at the 13 February 2012 meeting.


The Annual 2011 HOA Report as of 31 December 2011

Beginning Balance as of 01 January 2011                                     $13,068.97


Voluntary Donations                                                                         4,890.00

Architectural Control Fees                                                                1,309.00

Interest                                                                                                    32.38

Total Income:                                                                                     6,231.38


SCA Insurance                                                                                   1,839.00

Baldwin Dumpster                                                                             1,100.00

Elk Creek Mowing                                                                                470.00

Tri-Lakes Printing                                                                                 468.69

Annual Picnic Banners                                                                          258.62

Animal Removal                                                                                   225.00

Tri Lakes Cares                                                                                     200.00

Stamps and Envelopes                                                                          101.50

Safe Deposit Box Rental                                                                         94.00

Picnic Expense                                                                                        77.43

NEPCO Association                                                                                70.00

Water Usage                                                                                            23.57

State License Renewal                                                                            10.00

Total Expense:                                                                                   4,937.81

Ending Balance as of 31 December 2011:                                     $14,362.54

