{tab=Call To Order}
Present: Kelly McGuire, Jim Bergeron, Bill Martin, Fred Lanyon, David Weber, Frank Chuba, Jim Zalmanek
Guests: Tom Guenther, Judy Guenther, Kevin Guy
The meeting was called to order at 1900.
Minutes of the 09 December 2013 meeting were read and approved as written after a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Fred Lanyon.
{tab=Treasurer's Report}
Treasurer’s Report:
The bank balance is $16,333.78. Voluntary donations by three residents amount to $145.00. No Architectural Control fees collected and expenses amounted to $56.00.
Treasurer’s Report accepted following a motion by David Weber and a second by Fred Lanyon.
{tab=Arch Control}
Architectural Control:
Chairman Frank Chuba reported that a Mr. Lambe has constructed a garage on his property on Red Forest Road without making a request through the Architectural Control Committee. Bill Martin reports that he had talked with Mr. Lambe and made him aware of the Association covenants. Chairman Chuba will follow up on this matter.
Randy Barker of 4840 Abo Lane requested permission to install a 750 gallon water tank as part of a fire mitigation plan. The tank will pump water to the roof of the house in the event of an outside fire. The tank will be enclosed, on the rear of the property and will not be seen from the street. Enclosed with the request was a check for $25.00. The Board agreed unanimously to approve after a motion was made by Jim Zalmanek and a second by David Weber.
{tab=Old Business}
Old Business:
President Kelly McGuire has talked with attorney Lenard Rioth concerning the issueof the residence at 18375 Spruce Road. It is not known whether or not the certified letter sent by Mr. Rioth to the owners, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Green, was received by them, but it is known that it was seen by a Mountain Shadow Recovery representative. President McGuire will contact attorney Rioth tomorrow and ask him specific questions:
- Who signed for the certified letter?
- How did the certified letter make it to Mountain Shadow Recovery?
- Was an injunction against the sale of the property ever put in place?
- Was the El Paso County attorney contacted?
- Is the sale of the property still pending?
Additionally, attorney Rioth will be asked to send a letter to realtor Donna Anderson to assure that she is aware of the problem between the RRRHOA, Mr. and Mrs. Green, and Mountain Shadow Recovery.
Resident Tom Guenther requested permission to speak and said he is willing to have his private attorney assist the Association attorney if so needed.
Resident Kevin Guy requested permission to speak and suggested that the covenants be amended and/or updated. Board members agreed, but stated that changing covenants takes months to accomplish and the present situation on Spruce Road applies to the current covenants as written.
{tab=New Business}
New Business:
Treasurer Bill Martin suggested that the spring newsletter should be ready to be sent to residents by the first part of March. President McGuire will pen a note about the current situation on 18375 Spruce Road, Bill Martin will give a report on finances, Frank Chuba will write about Architectural Control, a fire mitigation paragraph will come from Jim Zalmanek, and the annual garage sale and spring clean-up will be mentioned. Contributors will send articles to President McGuire for editing and David Weber agreed to publish the newsletter as he has so graciously done in the past.
President McGuire reported that he has contacted Jeff Walker who reports that the website is up and running after being recently hacked. David Weber will coordinate with Mr. Walker to assure that all documents are in order.
With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 2003 on a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Jim Zalmanek which was carried unanimously
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 10 February 2014 in the Tri Lakes Cares building at 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA
Note: These minutes are in draft form and are not official until approved at the 10 February 2014 meeting.