Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

08 May 2006


Presiding:  Joline Lee


Present:   Frank Chuba, Jim Bergeron, Phyllis Moore, David Bohn, Joline Lee, Lorrayne Hodge


Guests: Ketch Nowacki, Michaele Duncan


Meeting was called to order at 1905.


Minutes of the 10 April 2006 meeting were read and accepted as presented unanimously, after a motion from Lorrayne Hodge and a second by Phyllis Moore.


Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bill Martin is on vacation, so the report was waived until the next scheduled meeting.


Architectural Control: Chairman Frank Chuba expressed his concern about some building/renovations on the Ranch without approval.  One is at 4775 Sandstone Drive and another is at 18496 Pixie Park Road.  Attempts to reach owners by telephone resulted in a disconnected number.  President Lee said she would stop at these residences to see if she could make contact.  Chairman Chuba said if contact did not occur, he would draft letters to the residents.

There was one request for re-roofing a house at 4315 Sandstone Drive, owned by Kristen Smith.  The materials meet RRRHOA specifications and Frank Chuba made a motion to approve pending payment of $25; that was seconded by David Bohn and passed unanimously by the Board members present.

Chairman Chuba then passed out packets to Board members that included a web site for Association business and Architectural Control Committee forms.

Phyllis Moore made a motion to allow Frank Chuba to sign Architectural Control forms after approval by the Board.  It was seconded by Lorrayne Hodge and approved unanimously.


Old Business: John Sharp was absent because of business, but he did e-mail drafts to all Board members concerning the new HOA law as noted in the 10 April 2006 minutes.  His two drafts had to do with accounting and auditing procedures plus the openness of meetings and availability of records to any interested RRRHOA resident. (Both are attached).  The Board reviewed the drafts and felt our resident attorney did a fine job, but there were some minor questions that the Board felt needed to be addressed by John Sharp before voting on the proposed resolutions.

Covenants and mandatory dues from residents/homeowners were discussed at length with no resolution.  President Lee suggested members be prepared to discuss it at the next meeting when a full Board should be present.

Michaele Duncan was given the floor to report on developments at the Association Park.  She stated that Woody Woodruff of High Country Home and Garden is obtaining decorative boulders, shrubs, trees, ornamental grasses, perennials and will install a water drip system for a price of $8300.  The start up will be at the north end of the Park that is more noticeable by the public. Michaele and her husband Lowell have repaired and will paint the swing set which will be installed by residents John Novotny and Carl Gusler.  The two water sources will be secured to prevent vandalism and will be turned on only by the volunteers who will oversee the plants.  The Board then expressed its thanks to Michaele for all her hard work in getting the project off the ground.


New Business: Jim Bergeron mentioned an article in the Colorado Springs Gazette-Telegraph concerning a new bill that is on the governor’s desk for signature which would ease some of the rules for Homeowner Associations that were implemented last year.  Phyllis Moore also had an article on the subject from the Denver Post.  Since it has not yet been passed into law, the consensus was to wait to see whether it is signed or vetoed.


Guest Comments/Input: Resident and Forest View Acres Water District Board member Ketch Nowacki was given the floor and he said he was present to answer any questions about the Water Board.  He mentioned a work session that will take place on 12 May 2006 and said all residents are welcome to attend.  The current Water Board feels it will take $2 million just to bring the water system up to par and meet water regulations.  He also discussed another possible increase in bills and said the Water Board has discussed a mil levy.  Mr. Nowacki was asked about the Unger case and said the trial is scheduled for June, but he is limited in what he can say about the case.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2039 on a motion by Frank Chuba and seconded by David Bohn. The motion carried unanimously.


The next meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 12 June 2006 at the Tri-Lakes Fire Station. 


Respectfully submitted,




Jim Bergeron, Secretary

Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association








































