{tab=Call To Order}
Presiding: Beth Lonnquist
Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, Fred Lanyon, David Weber, Frank Chuba, Jim Zalmanek, Kevin Guy
Guests: Tom Guenther, Chris and Murphy Cole
{tab=Special Topic}
As per Association policy, residents Chris and Murphy Cole were allowed to present plans, before the start of the meeting, for a dog-containing fence at their residence at 3840 Sierra Vista. It will be a split rail fence on the north-west side of the house and out of view of neighbors. Plans were viewed by members, approved on a motion by David Weber and a second by Jim Zalmanek. The $25.00 fee was paid.
{tab=Meeting Minutes}
The minutes of the 09 January 2017 were read and approved unanimously as written following a motion by Jim Zalmanek and a second by Frank Chuba.
{tab=Treasurer's Report}
Treasurer’s Report: The current bank balance is $9,993.58. There have been seven donors since the last meeting who contributed $270.00 for a year to date total of $395.00. Bank interest was $0.25 for a total income year to date of $395.35.
Expenses to date: $156.21 including $10.00 for cyber basement, $131.00 for legal fees to Anderson, Dude, Lebel P.C., and $5.21 to Bill Martin.
Treasurer’s Report accepted following a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Frank Chuba.
{tab=Arch Control}
Architectural Control: No new requests other than the fence noted above.
{tab=Old Business}
Old Business: President Beth Lonnquist briefed the members concerning the process covering covenant changes including options available. She also mentioned that she met with the new El Paso County Commissioner Stan VanderWerf on the 1st of February for two hours to discuss the issue of Courage to Change on Red Rock Ranch. There was also a meeting with Planning Services and Community Development personnel on the 6th of February. The new code enforcement officer is Mindy Madden . Everyone Mrs. Lonnquist met with was aware of the situation and will continue to follow and notify the HOA if there are any changes, according to the Stipulation, Oct.18, 2016.
President Lonnquist has contacted four companies for quotes on mulching at the annual Red Rock Ranch spring clean-up and will continue to contact others. The Board will make a decision once all quotes are received. Kevin Guy raised the question about mulching and wondered if it is feasible to do so this year considering the current bank balance. No decision on that was made at this meeting.
{tab=New Business}
New Business: President Lonnquist received a letter from resident Tom Owens concerning barking dogs on the Ranch. Jim Bergeron reported that he has also heard the same complaint from neighbors in his neighborhood. The Board has a long-standing policy concerning situations such as this: First, the Board recommends that the individual contact the offending dog’s owner and explain the problem. If that does not resolve the problem, then a complaint can be filed with El Paso County animal control and they will take action, including warning letters and monetary fines if necessary.
Treasurer David Weber said the Association By-Laws need to be revised and will be revisited at a future meeting.
President Lonnquist reported that there is an advisory group for HOA’s called Colorado Council of Neighborhood Organizations (CONO) that differs from NEPCO. They help with things such as enforcing covenants and letters for filing. Admission fee is $85.00, plus a $50.00 fee for attending a meeting this Thursday, 16 February. Jim Bergeron felt this would be a good investment for RRRHOA. David Weber made a motion to join, a second was made by Kevin Guy and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Stan VanderWerf said he is willing to come to the Association meeting in the future, if asked, and suggested perhaps all the neighboring HOA’s could also attend.
Treasurer David Weber talked about terms and elections for Board members and said the election process is tiered so a new slate of officers is not elected at one time and a current board does not leave as a group. With the resignation of Board member Michelle Miller, there is now a vacancy that Mr. Weber will publish on the web site for prospective candidates to fill it.
At the conclusion of new business, the Board counted for a final tally all the votes sent in by residents for the proposed covenant changes. A total of 202 ballots were mailed to residents and the final results were: 115 yes votes and 17 no votes. The number of votes needed to pass the change was 102, so the covenants will be amended as proposed. Jim Zalmanek volunteered to go to the El Paso County Clerk’s office for the process of changing the covenants.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2015 on a motion by David Weber and a second by Fred Lanyon.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 13 March 2017 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA