{tab=Call To Order}
Presiding: Beth Lonnquist
Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, Fred Lanyon, Bill Griffith, Kevin Guy
Guests: Kevin Kraus, Dan Cuvala
The meeting was called to order by President Beth Lonnquist at 1900
{tab=Special Topic}
As per Association policy, resident Kevin Kraus and builder Dan Cuvala were allowed to present plans before the start of the meeting for a detached garage at the residence at 18425 Stone View Road. The building will be one story with stucco siding, wood trim, metal doors and colors to match the house. Plans were viewed by members, approved on a motion by Kevin Guy and a second by Fred Lanyon. The required fee was paid.
{tab=Meeting Minutes}
The minutes of the 13 march 2017 were read and approved unanimously as written following a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Bill Griffith.
{tab=Treasurer's Report}
Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer was unable to attend the meeting because of work commitments, but submitted a treasurer’s report via e-mail.
The current bank balance is $10,535.56. There have been three donors since the last meeting who contributed $150.00 for a year to date total of $745.00. Bank interest was $0.47 for a total income year to date of $746.02.
Expenses to date: $206.21 with $50.00 to People’s National Bank for PO Box as the only expense.
Treasurer’s Report accepted following a motion by Bill Griffith and a second by Fred Lanyon.
{tab=Arch Control}
Architectural Control: No new requests other than the garage noted above.
{tab=Old Business}
Old Business: The spring cleanup was discussed and it was agreed to have four roll-off dumpsters delivered to Nevins Park on Friday, 02 June 2017 and have dumping begin on Saturday, 03 June through Monday, 05 June. The site will be manned by Board members for two to four hour shifts, depending on the individual wish of each Director. The hours of operation will be from 0800 to 1600 each day. No chipping will be done this year and residents who wish to have brush/slash chipped will be given times and dates when the Black Forest chipping area will accept brush/slash and chip it for free. President Beth Lonnquist researched funds available for chipping and found none available at this time. The questions concerning a civil rights clause in the Association insurance policy and whether or not the Association is current on DORA registration will be answered when Treasurer David Weber returns.
The spring newsletter will be ready by mid-May in time for the Clean-Up and it will remind residents that no chipping will be done at Nevins Park this year, in addition to the reminder about voluntary dues.
The Covenant Enforcement Policy that was so ably written by Director Fred Lanyon was discussed at length, dissected, parsed, and ended up with just five additions or changed words in paragraph 7. The revised policy (see pages 3 and 4) was unanimously accepted following a motion by Kevin Guy and a second by Bill Griffith. Fred Lanyon will change the wording recommended and will e-mail to all Board members. Colorado Council of Neighborhood Organizations (CONO), of which RRRHOA is a member, has offered any assistance needed in the event the Covenant Enforcement Policy needs to be applied.
{tab=New Business}
New Business: There will be a Firewise meeting on 06 May and President Lonnquist will attend. Additionally, she contacted Jamey Bumgarner, Tri Lakes Fire Department Battalion Chief, about seeking additional funding for chipping and fire mitigation and will follow up at the 06 May meeting.
Treasurer David Weber will have up-dated sheets available at the Clean-Up with names of residents who have paid dues.
President Beth Lonnquist asked Board members to consider a Blue Spruce Moth and a Firewise presentation for the future. Director Bill Griffith suggested the annual picnic might be a good venue for either one, but felt the Blue Spruce Moth might be a more pressing issue considering the devastation it has caused in nearby Perry Park. No decision was made at this time.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2102 on a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Bill Griffith.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 08 May 2017 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA
Note: These minutes are in draft form and are not official until approved at the next meeting on 08 May 2017.
{tab=Covenant Policy}
Red Rock Ranch Homeowner's Association Board of Director's
Covenant Enforcement Policy
The following procedure will be followed by the Red Rock Ranch Homeowner's Association ("Association") Board of Directors ("Board") whenever it is requested to investigate a possible violation of the Association's Covenants ("Covenants").
1. An initial complaint to the Board of a possible Covenant violation ("Violation") may be presented to the Board either in writing or orally. The Board will first request that the complaining Association member try whenever possible to resolve the covenant dispute through direct neighbor-to-neighbor discussion. This can often be the quickest and most amiable path to a resolution. Note that if deemed necessary individual Association members can seek injunctive relief based on the Covenants.
2. If direct neighbor-to-neighbor discussion doesn't resolve the complaint then the Board shall review the complaint and, in its discretion, determine whether or not the complaint shows cause for further proceedings.
3. If the Board decides that cause has been shown for a possible Violation, then one or more Board members will attempt to meet in person with the parties involved in the possible Violation to further explore whether a Violation has occurred and whether an "informal" resolution is possible.
4. If the Board determines that a possible Violation has occurred and was not resolved informally in step #3 above, then a First/Courtesy letter will be sent to the alleged violating Association member by the Board or the Board's lawyer describing the possible Violation. The alleged violating Association member will be given 15 days to either refute the complaint or explain how/when the Violation will be corrected.
5. If no response is obtained or the possible Violation is not corrected within 15 days then a Second/Warning letter will be sent to the alleged violating Association member by the Board or the Board's lawyer again describing the possible Violation and requesting a response either refuting the complaint or explaining how/when the Violation will be corrected in order to avoid possible further action. The Second/Warning letter will be sent via certified mail, return receipt requested, to the alleged violating Association member's address of record, and the alleged violating Association member will be given 15 days to respond.
6. If no response is obtained or the possible Violation is not corrected within 15 days a Third/Final certified, return receipt requested, letter ("Hearing Notice") will be sent to the alleged violating Association member by the Board or the Board's lawyer advising them that a hearing will take place at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting and requesting their presence to either refute the complaint or explain why the possible Violation has not been corrected. The Notice will be deemed received by the alleged violating Association member three (3) days after mailing.
7. At the hearing, the Board may consider any written or oral information produced by the alleged violating Association member or other interested party. Any legal or statutory rule of evidence or procedure shall not apply to the hearing, and the Board may restrict testimony or proceed in any manner or order which it deems appropriate in its discretion. Generally, any relevant evidence may be admitted if it is the sort of evidence on which responsible persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of serious affairs, regardless of the existence of any common law or statutory rule which might make improper the admission of such evidence over objection in civil actions. The Board may record or otherwise transcribe the hearing. The alleged violating Association member may be supported by legal counsel so long as the Board is given at least ten (10) days prior written notice so that the Board’s attorney may be present as well. Any Board member may question any witnesses and examine any documents presented at the hearing.
If the alleged violating Associating member does not appear but a written response is received by the Board (via certified, return receipt requested, mail), the Board shall render its decision as to whether a Violation has indeed occurred based on the information contained in the written response and any relevant testimony or information obtained. If neither an appearance nor a written response is made, the Board may, but need not, conduct a hearing or make any further findings except that it may determine that the alleged violating Association member's failure to appear or respond constitutes a waiver of the right to a hearing, and a no-contest plea, and impose the sanctions provided for in the Covenants.
The Board shall render its decision as to whether a Violation has indeed occurred within fifteen (15) days after the date of the hearing, taking into consideration all of the relevant facts and circumstances. The Board shall provide a written notice of the decision to the alleged violating Association member's address of record via certified, return receipt requested, mail within fifteen (15) days after the decision is made.
8. Following the hearing and a determination by the Board that the alleged violating Association member has indeed committed a Violation and that it has not been corrected then the Board may, at its discretion, seek injunctive relief and/or impose a fine as allowed for in the Covenants in order to get the Violation corrected . The amount of any fine shall be set by a majority vote of the Board in its reasonable discretion. Upon the Board's determination that a Violation has been committed and notification of such to the violating Association member, each day of a continuing violation shall be considered a separate violation for which any maximum fine may be imposed. The Board may in its discretion impose increased fines for repeated violations.