Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
11 September 2017
Presiding: Beth Lonnquist
Present: Jim Bergeron, Beth Lonnquist, Frank Chuba, Fred Lanyon, Kevin Guy, Bill Griffith
Guests: None
Meeting called to order at 1902.
The minutes of the 08 August 2017 meeting were read and approved unanimously after a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Frank Chuba. Approval of the 26 August 2017 minutes was tabled until the next meeting in October since they were not read by all Board members.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer David Weberhas officially resigned as a RRRHOABoard member and Treasurer. His replacement will be Director Bill Griffith who graciously accepted the position.
Architectural Control: No new requests according to Architectural Control Chairman Frank Chuba.
Old Business: The Spruce Road situation was discussed at length. President Lonnquist reported that the Association now has a claim number from the insurance company in regards to the issue and the last lawyer’s letter.
A discussion ensued whether or not John Green is in violation of complying with Association covenants covering paragraph 6(a) Single family Requirement and paragraph 19 that states in part, “No trade shall be carried out upon any lot or property in the subdivision which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to other lot owners. No commercial business shall be conducted upon any property in the subdivision including manufacturing, retail or repair.” A motion was made by Kevin Guy and seconded by Frank Chuba that John Green is indeed in violation of paragraph 6(a) and 19 and was voted on affirmatively by all members present except for President Lonnquist who abstained on advice from attorney Lenard Rioth.
Following the vote, another discussion was held to determine if fines should be levied, and if so, at what level. A motion was made by Franks Chuba, seconded by Bill Griffith to fine John Green $1,000.00 for non-compliance plus an additional $50.00 per day until he is in compliance with the covenants. The fines will be effective after notification by registered mail, but will be held in abeyance until John Green’s lawyer responds by a date set on the letter. Five Board members voted yes to the motion; the motion passed. The letter from the Board will be written by attorney Bryce Meighan, an associate of Lenard Rioth.
Milkweed: It has been marked on Sandstone and it appears the plants have popped up after mowing. Future mowing will be done by resident Keith Lonnquist.
Annual Picnic: President Lonnquist thanked all who helped and noted that the guest speaker was Tri Lakes Fire Battalion Chief Jamey Bumgarner who spoke on fire safety and making Red Rock Ranch a Firewise community. A note of thanks was sent to him for his efforts. Residents also signed up to help maintain Nevins Park.
Firewise: As a result of information given at the picnic, nine residents signed up for the chipper and eight volunteers were recruited. The Firewise plan is close to being submitted. It will be a creation of a Community Wildfire Preparedness Plan (CWPP) that will include exit directions, water access, and prioritize the projects that can be done in this neighborhood to help mitigate and reduce the fire hazard.
New Business: President Lonnquist mentioned an Open House held by Terre Christensen at 4580 Sandstone and noted it was an annual event to showcase art, much like a real estate open house. It is not a business and does not violate RRRHOA Covenants.
It was agreed that new homeowners on the Ranch should receive a letter from the Association with a list of important telephone numbers and contacts with the website.
There may be a home renting out to Air BNB at 4860 Limestone Road owned by Danny and Shelly Rose. President Lonnquist attempted to talk with the owners, but was prevented from going to the door by two dogs barking at her in a threatening manner. She will follow up with a letter to them, enclosing a copy of the covenants, stating that covenants specifically prohibit such activity.
Director Kevin Guy agreed to be the Association Web Master.
Insurance: The insurance policy is due to be renewed on 15 November 2017 and President Lonnquist will follow up on that. There should be an aggregate of $2 million liability that would act like an umbrella policy and quotes will be needed by October.
With no further business to discuss the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 2025 on a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Fred Lanyon..
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 16 October 2017 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado. This meeting will be a week later than usual and the change will be posted on the Association web site.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA