Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
13 November 2017
Presiding: Beth Lonnquist
Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, Jim Zalmanek, Frank Chuba, Bill Griffith, Kevin Guy
Guests: Tammy Krehbiel
Meeting called to order at 1900.
The minutes of the 16 October 2016 meeting were read and approved unanimously after a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Jim Zalmanek.
Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance as of 13 November 2017 is $10,752.33. Expenses during the period of 01 November 2017 to date:
06 November - $641.00 for D & O Insurance
06 November - $1,289.00 for HOA Insurance
06 November - $519.00 for Attorney fees
Treasurer’s report was unanimously approved following a motion by Kevin Guy and a second by Jim Zalmanek.
Architectural Control: Guest Tammy Krehbiel presented plans for a house to be built at 18515 Vista View. It will be a five bedroom residence with 5,102 square feet, two levels, stucco siding in earth tones, and class four asphalt 50 year shingles. The plans were reviewed by all members and a motion was made to accept by Frank Chuba and was passed unanimously following a second by Jim Zalmanek. The required fee was paid.
Frank Chuba presented plans from residents Bret and Leslie Hull to install solar panels on their residence at 4730 Red Forest Road. Discussion followed since it was unclear exactly where on the roof(s) the panels will be placed and Frank Chuba said he would contact the residents for clarification. It was noted, however, that courts have upheld the right to install solar panels regardless of the HOA rules, so the members agreed to the plan with follow up by Frank Chuba following a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Kevin Guy.
Old Business: A letter was sent to the Green’s on 14 September concerning the Spruce Road Recovery Center and no reply as of this date. 14 November will be the 60 days given in the letter. If they have not responded by 14 November 2017, the next move after the 60 days is to issue a bill for the covenant infraction and attorney fees. The fines will be on-going until the violation is removed.
Attorney Bryce Meighan has asked for a current sheriff report regarding the Recovery Center.
If there is no response, President Lonnquist will send a letter to the Green’s on 15 November 2017 with a notice of Board action concerning the fines and legal fees.
To clarify and reiterate the fees assessed the Green’s: “Fees were decided upon as $1000 for being out of compliance, 3 months of $50/day, then escalates to $200/day, and all legal fees this has created for the HOA. Balance is due after 30 days from when the bill is sent with a 1.5% interest on any unpaid balance.” This is a clarification approved in the December meeting prior to approval of the minutes.
Insurance: There are two insurance policies: one for general liability and one for an additional Director’s liability.
Firewise: The Firewise Committee, an organization that encourages homeowners to take responsibility for preparing their homes from the risk of wildfire, would like to be recognized as a committee of the HOA. Since it is permitted under the RRRHOA by laws, it was agreed to accept the request by Board members following a motion made by President Beth Lonnquist and a second by Kevin Guy.
The Firewise Committee is applying for a grant on behalf of the HOA for $5,000.00 that will need to be mailed prior to 27 November 2017. These funds will require a cash matching amount of $750.00. If the funds are granted, the money will be held in an account separate from the one used by the HOA. President Lonnquist made a motion to allot $750.00 in matching money for the grant and it was agreed to by the Board after a second by Jim Zalmanek.
The grant application will need to be submitted before the next Board meeting and that can be done electronically.
CWPP: The CWPP (Colorado Wildfire Preparedness Plan) is an extensive document that will take a few more months to compile by the author, David Betzler. The Board will need to read and approve the plan, as well as the fire department, sheriff, and the Forest Service before submission to the National Firewise Organization for recognition. The committee is formulating its need for an Outreach Committee that will disseminate information about Firewise and what can be done around each lot. They will also form an action/planning department to decide goals for the next ten years and oversee the progress made as well as looking for a funding committee that will look for ways to raise funds for mitigation in the future.
Tennis Court: Repair estimates are needed and will be addressed by the President.
New Business: No new sales were found during the last three months. Letters of welcome were sent to the residents listed for June through August. Another property is being sold on Pixie Park Road and a letter of welcome will be sent to that owner by President Lonnquist.
CONO: President Beth Lonnquist and Director Jim Zalmanek attended the CONO meeting on 11 November 2017 and passed on information to the Board. The important thing that they learned at the meeting was the fact that the RRRHOA is conducting business and rules as it should. Also learned that annual member meetings are run differently from regular Board and CONO will send information on how to run such meetings. CONO will also send information on financial records keeping. Treasurer Bill Griffith is looking for a more efficient way to keep all the HOA paperwork together.
The next NEPCO meeting is Saturday, 18 November 2017.
Director Kevin Guy gave a report about the HOA website and continues working on it to modernize it. It was learned that the May 2017 Meeting Minutes need to be posted and Kevin will do that. He will also research on-line book-keeping methods and coordinate with Treasurer Bill Griffith on his findings.
Resignation: An e-mail was received from Director Fred Lanyon stating that his resignation from the Board was effective on 13 November 2017 because of family issues. The resignation was accepted by the Board with regret. Director Kevin Guy stated he said Board should go on record as giving honor to Fred for his long and dedicated service to the Board and the Red Rock Ranch community and received a hearty “aye” from all Board members.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 2052 on a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Jim Zalmanek.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 11 December 2017 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA
Please Note: These minutes are in draft form only until approved by the RRRHOA Board at the 11 December 2017 meeting.