Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
12 February 2018
Presiding: Beth Lonnquist
Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, Frank Chuba, Kevin Guy, Bill Griffith
Guests: None
Meeting called to order at 1905.
The minutes of the 08 January 2018 meeting were read and amended to read that due to his busy work schedule, Frank Chuba made telephone contact with residents Cindy Goodwin and Bret Hull rather than a personal visit as written. The amended minutes were approved unanimously after a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Kevin Guy.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bill Griffith reported an interest deposit of $.46 as the only income for the month. Expenses include an outstanding obligation of $10.00 for the annual registration to the State of Colorado and the 2018 NEPCO dues of $55.00 were paid.
Architectural Control: AC Chairman Frank Chuba reports no new requests this month. Frank Chuba did talk with Cindy Goodwin who has installed the fence that was approved by the Board. She said she wanted to erect the fence so neighbors would not be bothered by her dogs barking and agrees with the Board that enclosing an entire property is not in keeping with the open space attitude on the Ranch.
Old Business: As noted above, the fence at resident Cindy Goodwin has been erected.
Firewise: The Red Rock Ranch HOA has been accepted as a Firewise Community and President Lonnquist received a plaque attesting to that.
The Coalition for Upper South Platte (CUSP) contract needs approval from the Board. A motion was made to accept the contract by Kevin Guy with a second from Bill Griffith and the Board voted to accept.
ü Complete the Community Wildfire Preparedness Plan (CWPP) within 3 to 6 weeks. The Fire Marshal needs to write a section. Dave Root (Colorado State Forest Service) will coordinate with Jamey Bumgartner of the Tri Lakes Fire Department.
ü The plan to greet neighbors, spread the word, and create interest and educate has been successful with 40 to 45 households signed up for chipping.
ü More cooperative projects with the Tri Lakes Methodist Church’s group EPG.
ü Evaluate lots will be done using the CUSP application and will be scheduled soon. A drone flying at 200 feet will demonstrate encumbered roadways that might make evacuations difficult.
Spruce Road Update: Anderson Dude and Label is going to send a letter to John Green’s lawyer. This is a slow process and the HOA is covered with insurance. Soaring Hope Recovery/Courage to Change had a Registered Sexual Offender residing there. The County Attorney has not responded to President Lonnquist concerning this matter as of today.
Budget for 2018: Treasurer Bill Griffith presented a preliminary budget outline and received comments from Board members. Funds will be requested for Firewise. The final document will be presented during the annual meeting with residents at the 09 April 2018 meeting.
New Business:
- President Lonnquist presented a draft of the proposed Association Newsletter and asked for comments from Board members prior to printing.
- The President received an estimate of $50,000 to repair the tennis court that prompted members to consider a do-it-yourself project that the President will look into.
- Some residents in Sundance Estates and Forest View Estates have expressed a desire to join RRRHOA with the chipping project. The consensus of Association members was that it would be permissible if they pay a fee of $50.00 per household following a motion by Kevin Guy and a second by Bill Griffith. This does not make them members of the HOA, but does allow the HOA to offer trash clean-up services and chipping… after the HOA is serviced.
- There was confusion among Board members over math entries made on a letter from CUSP which President Lonnquist will address with CUSP in addition to questions about possible tax liabilities with HOA and CUSP contribution shares.
- Kevin Guy reported that the web site is up and running, but if it crashes again he will need assistance restoring it.
- Pending expenses are legal fees of $718.00 and CONO dues of $75.00
- The date set for the annual business meeting/picnic is 18 August 2018.
- Trash collection dates are 01 and 02 June 2018.
- Chipping dates are 28 April, 09 and 10 June 2018, plus 3 or 4 more later in the year.
New Sales: Travis Hall
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 2014 on a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Bill Griffith.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 12 March 2018 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA