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Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
                    12 March 2018

Presiding: Beth Lonnquist

Present: Beth Lonnquist, Kevin Guy, Bill Griffith
There was not a quorum, so nothing was voted upon or approved

The meeting was called to order by President Beth Lonnquist at 1910.

Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance is $19883.33.
Income included $533.66 ( ACC (298.30) , Contributions(235), Interest(.36))
Expenses were $1552.50 ( PO Box (80), NEPCO (50), CONO (75),
Anderson, Dude & Label(1342.50)
Outstanding bills: Reimbursement to Pres. Lonnquist
State filing: (100)

Treasurer’s Report will be presented at the next meeting for approval

Old Business:
Firewise: The Committee is going strong. They have 54 people signed up for mitigation. April 28 with be the first of 5 or 6 days of chipping. There are 36 homes wanting an evaluation. Grant was signed after approval. CUSP will provide 2 professionals along with their larger chipper. Three days are secured for chipping at present... April 28, June Four additional chipping dates: May/ July? , August/September, October and November.
Complete Community Wildfire Preparedness Plan (CWPP) in the next 3 weeks
Drone study of evacuation routes… Pictures will be available completed and will be available for presentation on April 9
Greet neighbors, spread word and create interest/educate
Evaluate lots
More cooperative projects with Tri Lakes Methodist EPG

Spruce Road: Attorney Bryce is composing a letter to the El Paso County Commissioners, in light of continued violations of the Stipulation put into place on October 16,2016, the Development Services Department rescinded the Stipulation is considering the Rehabilitation Facility a Group home. There is continued communication between Lot owner’s lawyer and Bryce Meighan. Traffic has increased at the home.

New Business: Newsletter is mailed, 5 letters returned.
Comments made are in favor of continuing with the tennis courts (3) and better maintenance of the park area. PK Robinson repaired the blown down split rail fences and David Weber requested access to water the area.

Kevin Guy presented the challenges of the web page.
We are working on a 10 yr old version. There is a new version coming out in June, which means the servers may be stressed , so it would be a good thing to update the current web page to something that will be supported. The HOA is not utilizing more than 14.4% of what the web site offers. We discussed email changes; these could utilize more capacity, possibly to above the 2KMB available. This information will be made available to the entire board when we have a quorum. Director Kevin noted the server is in our HOA and the owner has been very generous with regards to help and costs for the HOA.
Basic template would cost $125, discounted from 500.

Future projects:
09 April - Annual Member Meeting with Firewise presentation
14 May- Set up trash day collection
02-03 June – Trash collection
09-10 June – Chipping days
09 July – Coordinate Annual Picnic
August – Picnic

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2100 after a motion by Kevin Guy.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 9 April 2018 at the Tri Lakes Fire Station building, HWY 105, Monument.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth Lonnquist
