Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
                                              29 October 2018

Presiding: Beth Lonnquist

Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, PK Robinson, Bill Griffith, Paul Tillotson, Kevin Guy

Guests: Dave Phetplace, Dave Betzler, Andrea Mahoney, Jamine and Ryan Madison

The meeting was called to order by President Beth Lonnquist at 1900.

Architectural Control: Since she had travelled from Denver for the meeting and needed to return, Andrea Mahoney was allowed to speak first. She requested that her late father’s property be subdivided into nine one-acre lots from the existing three parcels of three acre lots at 18320 Forest View Road, 18320 Stone View Road and 18460 Stone View Road. When the late James O Hix purchased the lots, they were platted for one acre lots, but eventually were made into three acre lots for tax purposes. ACC Chairman Frank Chuba researched through County records to verify that the lots were indeed originally platted as one acre lots and can be reverted to the original plat. Jim Bergeron made a motion to allow the three-acre parcels to be divided into one acre lots, seconded by PK Robinson and motion was carried unanimously.
Let the record show that John Cressman’s driveway at 18252 Pixie Park Road was electronically approved by the Board.
A request was made by Beth Lonnquist to stucco the remainder of her house at 18325 Spruce Road, replace cement, and add a 16 by 20-foot deck. She has a contractor and no building permit is required. Motion made to accept by Jim Bergeron, seconded by Bill Griffith and motion passed by the Board.
Residents Jamine and Ryan Madison were present to ask how to request permission to build a garage separate from their residence at 3555 Range View Road. They were given a hard copy request and also advised how to go about requesting on-line at the Association web site.

Firewise: Dave Phetplace and Dave Betzler gave an in-depth presentation of the year of Firewise. There are seven people on the committee and additional volunteers are always welcome to join. The stress is to mitigate every house on the Ranch with a primary goal of cutting back vegetation five feet from the home. The County will be cutting back vegetation from the roads, concentrating on Red Rock Drive, Red Forest Road, and Forest View Road. Firewise Committee is requesting $2,000 from RRRHOA for the 2019 calendar year to be used:
$1,000 for chipping. Tri Lakes Fire Department will assist with an additional two days of chipping.
National Fire Protection Association has issued a 2-year grant of $1,000 to Red Rock Ranch, one of 7 neighborhoods in the United States chosen for this grant. This will include more training for the Firewise committee members Dave Phetplace and Dave Betzler.
$1,000 for homeowner education through a newsletter and flyers, safety equipment, signage, T-shirts, and banners.
In 2018 the Firewise Committee was able to chip at 72 homes, assess 21 homes and give homeowners a better idea as to how to protect their home. They can chip an average of 13 houses per day.
A motion was made by Kevin Guy to fund Firewise $2,000 for year 2019, seconded by PK Robinson and approved by the Board.

Minutes: The September minutes were read and approved as written after a motion by Kevin Guy and a second by Bill Griffith.

Treasurer’s Report:
Beginning balance on 01 September 2018…$15,272.37
Bank Interest………………………………..$0.51
Outstanding Activity (mowing)…………….$195.00

Total contributions to date…………………..$8,085.00
Contribution percentage………………………67.00%
Contributors above $50………………………..34
Treasurer’s Report approved following a motion by PK Robinson and a second by Paul Tillotson.

Old Business: Driving on back side of properties was tabled until the 12 November 2018 meeting, but still drew comments from Board members. President Lonnquist will research the issue further prior to the November meeting.
The broken basketball hoop at Nevins Park has been removed, thanks to Kevin Guy and Paul Tillotson.

Web Site: Kevin Guy reports that the Association web site is up and running.

New Business: Four different neighbors have voiced their concern that there may be residents staying in campers at 4575 Sandstone Drive. President Lonnquist will draft a letter for Board approval to be sent to the owners at that residence advising them of covenants covering that matter.

New Sales: 4880 Sandstone Road and 4665 Limestone Road

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2100 after a motion by Bill Griffith and a second by Paul Tillotson.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 12 November 2018 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument. The December meeting will be on 10th.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron, Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA
