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                   Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

                                                      10 December 2018




Presiding: Beth Lonnquist


Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, Jim Zalmanek, Frank Chuba, Bill Griffith, Paul Tillotson, Kevin Guy, P.K. Robinson


Guests: None


Meeting called to order at 1901.


The minutes of the 12 November 2018 meeting were read and approved unanimously after a motion by Jim Zalmanek and a second by P.K. Robinson.


Web Site: Director Kevin Guy requested to speak first since the battery on his phone was running low and he wanted to let the Board see his presentation on the I Pad before the battery died. He did report on the status of the web site and said that Director Paul Tillotson has been helping.  New items to be included will be tabs for documents such as Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation, CWPP and the Single Family Definition.  Firewise should have a drop down for dates, contact information and sign-ups, plus a NEPCO dropdown with monthly minutes to post.  Board minutes will be posted with a history of five years.  There will be a Home Tab to welcome residents to the neighborhood, and a What’s New with current information including the president’s message, picnic information, clean-up information, and Firewise information. A Contact Tab will list Board names, addresses (PO Box) and contact information.

Frank Chuba asked for a printable form for Architectural Control and Kevin Guy said that can be done.

President Lonnquist stressed the importance of having resident contacts on the Ranch, especially in view of the recent fires in Paridise, California.


 Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance is $14,879.70.  

Deposits for November:

$57.00 Architectural Control fees

$0.50 Bank interest

Expenses for November:

$100.00 CONO Law Day

$88.00 PO Box rental

$248.19 Firewise Newsletter


Legal expenses to date:   $1,518.50

Insurance expenses to date:  $2,846.25

Firewise expenses to date:  $1,460.63

December Outstanding Activity (not cleared bank)

     HUB Insurance (D&O)     $1,210.25

     Philadelphia Ins.                $1,636.00

     Contribution                       $50.00

Treasurer Bill Griffith will present the annual budget at the January 2019 meeting.

Treasurer’s report accepted by the Board after a motion to accept by Jim Zalmanek and a second by P.K. Robinson.


Old Business: Driving on back side of properties – Directors Paul Tillotson and Kevin Guy presented e-mails from all affected neighbors, except Lee Galloway, who are all against using the utility easement and private property as a roadway.  A sign will be erected on the RRRHOA property as approved at the November meeting and will read, “Service and Emergency Vehicles Only” and will be signed by “RRRHOA.org.” The wording of the sign was approved following a motion by Jim Zalmanek and a second by Bill Griffith. Frank Chuba agreed to draft a letter to Lee Galloway explaining the situation concerning an easement that prohibits anyone except emergency vehicles traversing the property and will offer Mr. Galloway alternatives for moving his trailer.

Policies: The policy dealing with rentals/visitors revised form was accepted by the Board with a correction of a typo after a motion by Jim Bergeron and a second by Jim Zalmanek.


Architectural Control:  AC Chairman Frank Chuba reports no new requests.  The request from President Lonnquist is still pending, awaiting square footage from the contractor and a building permit.


New Business:

Spring Newsletter: President Lonnquist asked Board members for article ideas for the Spring Newsletter; the deadline is 01 February 2019.  There will be a Firewise page, dues, Contact Board information, Member meeting, Treasurer’s Report, community clean-up, annual picnic, Statement of Occupancy/contact information, and Nevins Park use/options.

Jim Zalmanek made a motion to donate $200.00 to Tri Lakes Cares as thanks for the use of the conference room each month.  The motion was seconded by P.K. Robinson and the Board concurred.

Kevin Guy gave his views on the tennis court area that included digging up the existing concrete and replacing it with a composite product suitable for tennis, whiffle ball, and basketball.  He also explained a proper way of installing a basketball pole and suggested a heavy-duty net to withstand Colorado weather.


New Sales: 18565 Vista View Drive, 18545 Vista View Drive. Shannon and Troy Kittleson 3555 Range View Drive, Jamine and Ryan Madison 18105 Stone View Road, Robert and Sondra Michaels (vacant lot).


With no further business to discuss, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 2032 on a motion by Kevin Guy and a second by Frank Chuba.


The Board then did convene an Executive Session at 2033 and ended that session at 2045.


The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 14 January 2019 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.


Respectfully submitted,




Jim Bergeron 

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA
