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Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
11 February 2019

Presiding: President Beth Lonnquist
Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, Paul Tillotson, Frank Chuba, P.K. Robinson,
Kevin Guy

Guests: None

The meeting was called to order by President Beth Lonnquist at 1900.
Minutes of the 14 January 2019 were approved after a motion to accept by P.K. Robinson
and a second by Frank Chuba.

Architectural Control: ACC Frank Chuba gave a synopsis of his duties for the benefit
of the Board since this is his last meeting as a member and as Architectural Control
A request was submitted by Gabriel Garza to construct a house ay 18325 Forest View
Road with one level above ground and one below. The total square footage, including
decks and garage, will be 4100. The siding will be lab with taupe color with white wood
trim. Shingles are asphalt with high wind rating. All set backs are in order. A motion was
made by Bill Griffith to approve pending building permit, driveway, drainage and
payment of fee. A second was made by Kevin Guy and motion unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report:
Bank balance is $11,772.76.
Income included:
$125.00 in contributions
$0.40 in bank interest.
Current Activity (not cleared by bank):

Treasurer’s Report accepted following a motion by P.K.Robinson and a second by Frank
Treasurer Bill Griffith then presented a proposed annual budget that was discussed
among Board members. There were two minor changes that will be made and then the
budget will be electronically sent for Board approval.
Dues: After perusing the annual budget, it was felt an increase in voluntary dues must be
made. A motion to increase voluntary dues to $75.00 per year was made by P.K.
Robinson, seconded by Frank Chuba and passed unanimously by the Board.
Reserve Fund: A reserve fund that could be used for unexpected and/or unplanned
situations was discussed with perhaps 10% of donations being set aside for the fund. No
decision was made at this time.
Bills: Paul Tillotson presented a bill ($60.00) for reimbursement for supplies he
purchased for the post and sign placed on the Association property denoting emergency
vehicles only.
Old Business:
     Spring Newsletter: Board members were asked to submit articles for the newsletter.
To be included will be: a Firewise page, dues, Contact Board information, Member
meeting, Treasurer’s Report, community clean-up, annual picnic, plus a Statement of
Occupancy/Contact information, Nevins Park use/options, Fire Exit map, and some
emergency preparedness information.

Web Site: Kudos to Kevin Guy and Paul Tillotson for their efforts for the up and running
website. Gabriel Garza did say he could find the architectural control site and download
the request form, but was unable to e-mail it to Frank Chuba. That will be updated as
well as a separate quarterly newsletter site from the blog.

New Business:
Firewise: The first meeting of the year will be at 0930 on 14 February at Dave
Betzler’s house on Sandstone Road. It is noted that Red Rock Ranch is only one of seven
communities in the country with the designation of Firewise Community. Red Rock
Ranch is being considered for a mock fire evacuation drill in 2020.
With no further business to discuss, the regular meeting was closed at 2030 so the Board
could meet in Executive Session. Motion to adjourn to Executive Session made by Frank
Chuba and seconded by Kevin Guy.
Executive session ended at 2035 and meeting adjourned after a motion by Frank Chuba
and a second by Kevin Guy.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 11 March 2019 at the
Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument.

Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA

