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            Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

                                                   13 April 2020


NOTE:  Because of the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the nation and the “stay at home” order from the governor, this meeting was held via Zoom.

 Presiding: Beth Lonnquist

 Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, Bill Griffith, P.K. Robinson, Paul Tillotson, Kevin Guy, Jamie Madison, Shannon Kittelson, Julie Pheteplace. The meeting was called to order by President Beth Lonnquist at 1909.


 Guests: None present, but letters from two residents were presented.  One was from Nick and Jessica Bartley, 4315 Red Forest Road with concerns about chipping at their residence when Mr. Bartley felt pressured to not only help with chipping at his home, but also help at other sites. (See attached letter). Treasurer Bill Griffith drafted a reply (See attached letter) to the Bartley’s with Board approval following a motion by Jim Bergeron and a second by Paul Tillotson. The letter from the Bartley’s will be shared with David Pheteplace, director of Firewise on the Ranch.


The second letter was actually an e-mail sent by Dr. David Bohn, 4710 Limestone Road who will be renting his residence and a prospective renter inquired about having an enclosed trailer containing tools used in his work kept on the property.  The Board discussed the matter and felt more information is needed before a decision can be made, such as the size of the trailer, does it have business lettering, etc.  President Lonnquist will follow up on this matter.

Architectural Control:

     Jack and Diane Britton submitted a request to build a home at 18320 Stone View Road along with the detailed plans.  The total square footage, including decks and garages, will be 3,280.  Exterior will be stucco, roof of asphalt shingles, fiberglass doors with color of grayish/beige.  Plans were examined and approval is pending upon receipt of samples of color, placement of house on the lot, building permit number and appropriate fees. The pending approval was given after a motion by Julie Pheteplace and a second by Shannon Kittelson.    


     Skip and Terri Chang, 18439 Forest View Road, requested permission to erect a split rail fence around their property.  It meets covenant requirements and was approved by the Board after a motion to accept by Kevin Guy and a second by Julie Pheteplace.

The minutes of the 09 March 2020 were read and approved unanimously as written following a motion by Julie Pheteplace and a second by Paul Tillotson.   


Old Business: The covenant updates are on hold until next month when the Board can hopefully meet in person as a group to discuss them at length.


Clean up dates for Nevins Park are on hold temporarily due to the “stay at home” order.

Treasurer’s Report:  Bank balance is $19,872.09


     Deposits:……………………………        75. 00 (Contribution)

                                                                       243.00 (State Farm Refund)

                                                                      $40.00 (Barn Refund)

                                                                     550.00 (Contribution)

                                                                  1,275.00 (Contribution)

                                                                     675.00 (Contribution)

                                                                      850.00 (Contribution)

                                                                          0.58 (Bank Interest)

Expenses:………………………………..….10.00 (Sec. of State Registration)

                                                                        85.06 (Newsletter Printing)

                                                                       300.89 (Newsletter Postage)

                                                                       352.00 (Insurance)

Total Contributions for 2020                       $6,550.00

Contributors above $75                                          25

Total ACC fees to date                                     $25.00

Treasurer’s Report accepted following a motion by Paul Tillotson and a second by Kevin Guy.


Firewise: Julie Pheteplace attended a Firewise Zoom conference today.  It appears that the scheduled June 2020 chipping date will have to be cancelled due to the corona virus pandemic.  There will be a fire evacuation drill on the 26th of September that includes Red Rock Ranch.  Those on the Ranch with e-mail addresses known to the Firewise committee will have reminders sent about fire mitigation. Thinning out the scrub oak at Nevins Park is planned for  02 May which is National Wildfire Preparedness Day   but again, timing will depend on the pandemic. Residents may sign up for chipping at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. And dues must be paid to be eligible.


New Business:  Volunteer Insurance coverage has been obtained through the Mark O’Donnell Agency.

The newsletter has been mailed and contributions are coming in as a result of the reminder in the newsletter.

Mowing the grass in Nevins Park was discussed and Clair Brenneman will be asked to mow again this year with Jim Bergeron as the contact for Mr. Brenneman. Jamie Madison has attempted to contact mowers at a lower fee, but has been unsuccessful to date.


The Board thanked Kevin Guy for arranging the Zoom meeting and also expressed thanks to Jamie Madison for her offer to host the Zoom meeting if needed.    


With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1948 on a motion by Jim Bergeron and a second by Julie Pheteplace. 

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be on Monday, 11 May 2020 either at the Tri Lakes Cares Building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado or through a Zoom meeting. 

Respectfully submitted,


 Jim Bergeron 

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA






