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                   Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

                                                       11 May 2020



NOTE:  Due to the corona virus pandemic and meetings/gatherings of more than ten people discouraged by the Colorado governor, this meeting was conducted via Zoom.



Presiding: PresidenBeth Lonnquist


Present: Beth Lonnquist, Jim Bergeron, Kevin Guy, P.K. Robinson, Jamie Madison, Shannon Kittelson, Paul Tillotson, Bill Griffith, Julie Pheteplace


 The meeting was called to order by President Beth Lonnquist at 1903.


Architectural Control: John Hildebrandt, 18050 Granite Circle, requested permission to erect a Tuff Shed on his property.  It will be a barn style, 10’ by 12’ painted red with cream trim and a charcoal shingle roof.  He also plans to attach a 6’by10’ greenhouse to the side of the shed facing Granite Circle.  The shed will be located approximately 40’ back into his lot from the road to the right of the house and drive.  After discussion about the color of the shed, it was felt the colors are consistent with restrictions in the covenants, and it was approved by the Board after a motion to approve by Bill Griffith and a second by Shannon Kittelson.


Minutes of the 13 April 2020 meeting were read and approved following a motion to approve by Julie Pheteplace and a second by Bill Griffith.


Treasurer’s Report: The current bank balance is $23,268.84.



     Bank Interest…………… .        0.71

     Architectural Fees…….....… 353.00


      Firewise, Shirts ………,,,….409.46

      Safety Deposit Box Fee.…….22.50

Total contributions for 2020 ..$8,175.00

Contributors above $75………….…34

Total ACC fees to date………….403.00

 Treasurer’s Report approved after a motion to accept by Jim Bergeron and a second by P.K. Robinson.


Firewise Expense:  The Firewise Committee thinned scrub oak on the HOA Nevins Park, and made two trips with slash to the dump at a cost of $70.00.  Their labor was donated.  The effort was appreciated by the Board and it was agreed to reimburse the Firewise Committee the $70.00 since it was done on HOA property.  Motion made by Bill Griffith and a second by Julie Pheteplace.


Old Business: It was agreed to put the covenant updates on hold until the Board can meet in person in June for in-depth discussion, assuming the state meeting restrictions are lifted.


Web Site: Kevin Guy and Paul Tillotson report the site is doing well.  President Lonnquist reports that the meeting minutes have had increased hits so residents are reading them.


Firewise: Julie Pheteplace reported that at this time the June chipping date is on, but that could be cancelled depending on the current pandemic and governor’s orders.  Sign up can be made at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  HOA dues must be paid to participate.


New Business: President Lonnquist will e-mail a sign-up sheet for volunteers to man the roll-off dumpsters for the spring clean-up on 05 and 06 June 2020.  Slots are 0830-1100, 1000-1300, and 1300-1600 each day.  Residents must be current in dues to dump and Treasurer Bill Griffith will provide a list of paid members.

Resident Comments: Hans Zimmerman, 18330 Spruce Road, wanted to let the HOA know that he found deer ticks after hiking in the area and was hoping the HOA could address the situation with the Department of Wildlife.  It was agreed that the deer population is a problem throughout El Paso County and the city of Colorado Springs is discussing methods of deer control at this time, so the DOW is aware of the problem.  Hikers would be advised to use a repellant such as OFF to guard against ticks of all kind.

Resident Jean Kraus, 18425 Stone View Road, was interested in expanding the tennis court to the east and adding a pickle ball court.  That has been a project discussed in the past by the Board and will continue to be on the agenda as finances allow.


Future Dates: Are up in the air at this time because of COVID.

   On the Agenda:

     Clean Up in June, Picnic on 15 August

     Park/Tennis Court with dates to fill cracks

     Paint court surface

     Paint gazebo


With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1950 on a motion by Paul Tillotson and a second by Kevin Guy.


The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 08 June 2020 at Tri Lakes Cares, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado assuming the meeting restrictions are lifted.  A Zoom meeting would be a replacement.


Respectfully submitted,



Jim Bergeron 

Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA


































