January 11, 2021


Meeting Locations: Zoom meeting


Called to order at:     7:01 by HOA President Beth Lonnquist


Attendees:  Mark Fears, Julia Pheteplace, Shannon Kittelson, Beth Lonnquist, Paul Tillotson, Skip Chang, Bill Griffith and Kevin Guy


Guests: Maria Kowalski and Josh & Donna Lambert


Guest Concerns:  Maria Kowalski read a letter she sent to the board explaining that her 8 chickens are family pets and they should be exempt from the covenants which do not allow non-domesticated animals, specifically mentioning poultry.  She asked the board to make an exception for her chickens.

A long discussion followed with the board members giving their opinions.  However, in the end the board members agreed that they do not have the authority to exempt a resident from the covenants. Board President, Beth Lonnquist will send a letter to Maria Kowalski reiterating that the covenants specifically state that no poultry is allowed temporarily or permanently on a resident’s property. The letter will also outline the process for amending the covenants. 


Architectural Control: Josh and Donna Lambert, who live on Range View Way, are requesting approval of fencing, 4-foot-high run from side back of property 2X4 style and wire meshing in the middle. Square area 1/3 of property, 440 linear feet, 3 sides. ACC request has been submitted and $25 has been paid.  Motion to accept Mark Fears, Kevin second all members approved by saying “Aye”.


Troy Kittelson requests approval of a 3-rail fence for dog run.  In the back area off side of house not visible.  Julia Pheteplace motioned to accept. Bill Griffith seconded the motion and all members approved by saying “Aye”.


Approval of the minutes:  December meeting minutes were approved.  Bill Griffiths made a motion and Julia Pheteplace seconded the motion.  All members approved by saying “Aye”.


Treasurer’s report: Approval of January Report- We had little activity in December.  There were some remaining expenses for park decorations and the contribution to Tri Lakes Cares approved in the December Board meeting. There were $788.70 of ACC contributions and $50.00 of homeowner contributions.  State Farm also refunded $5.39 from the cancelled insurance policy.  The year-end resident contributions were $10,705 which is a 58% participation rate. ACC fees collected in 2020 totaled $2075.70.   No current Firewise activity, but $1133.50 will be carried over into 2021.  The HOA will determine at a later date if Firewise will need additional funds late in 2021. The 2020 ending balance for the HOA account is $25,417.64 which includes the Firewise obligation.


Kevin Guy asked about the charge for water during the shutdown earlier in the year. Bill Griffith said Forest View Acres Water agreed to waive the earlier charges and no current flow had been recorded.  We have not put a lock on water pump.  Mark Fears said he has one and will put it on the pump.


Old Business: We do not have D&O insurance at this point, Beth Lonnquist is still looking for reasonable proposals. She has reached out to two different brokers and is awaiting their reply.

There was a discussion regarding whether the board members should get a personal Umbrella policy and have the board pay their premium. Costs for a personal Umbrella policy vary between $250-$400.  The Board will discuss at next meeting if a D&O insurance policy is not secured by then.


Web Site: Paul Tillotson says it looks good, it’s working well and he just posted the December minutes. 

Beth Lonnquist asked about accessibility of old meeting minutes on the HOA website. Old meeting minutes will be kept for 10 years as they are a public record.  A notice will be placed on the HOA website to contact HOA if you would like to view older meeting minutes. 


Firewise: Julia Pheteplace: no Firewise activity to report. Beth Lonnquist will attend a meeting with the local emergency preparedness committee to discuss evacuation routes on January 12th. Firewise meetings will resume in February and Julia Pheteplace will attend for the HOA Board. Mock evacuation drill is planned for this spring. (current info: mock evacuation is now scheduled for fall of 2021)


New Business: The water district has scheduled a public hearing on January 27 to discuss water use for proposed new development.  Beth Lonnquist has been in touch with Hans Zimmerman who is on the water board and she plans to attend the meeting on the 27th.  Bill Griffith sent a certified letter to the water district with some specific questions regarding how this will affect current water users.  He will draft a letter of concern from the HOA board and send it out to the members for approval. Beth Lonnquist will present the letter at the meeting on the 27th.


Around the room: Mark Fears is writing a short history of forest view water district and description of their function. 

Donna Lambert mentioned that there is a broken link on our website.  Paul Tillotson will fix it.

Julie Pheteplace is taking down the holiday decorations at the park


April annual meeting with all residents will most likely be a zoom call.


Red Rock Ranch Acres:  They do not have approval on rezoning the 20-acre parcel nearest to Red Rock Ranch Dr.  They started this process with a letter of intent on December 17.

Planning & Development web page: https://epcdevplanreview.com/Public/ProjectDetails/167954

If you have time, please read the developer’s Letter of Intent and the Traffic Study.

Rezoning the 5-acre parcel will set a precedent if/when the “pond” property and other property sells to developers in our area.

There was discussion about how the proposed new development will affect the residents of RRR.  There are concerns about evacuation routes being more congested with more residents, safety of traffic patterns at highway 105 and Red Rock Ranch Road, esthetic of the community, cost to residents of roadway improvements, etc.

Paul Tillotson will post information about the proposed new development on the HOA website.

Beth Lonnquist will attend a planning and development and county commissioners meeting to discuss the request to rezone the property for smaller lots.  She will address our concerns at that meeting.


New Board slots:  there is 1 slot available: 


Skip Chang made a motion to conclude meeting 8:27, second by Julia Pheteplace and board agreed by saying “Aye”.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:28 by Beth Lonnquist


Next Meeting: Feb 8


Meetings for 2021:

Mar 8                                                 Apr 12 (Annual Meeting) 

May 10                                              June 14

July 12                                              Aug 9

Sept 13                                              Oct 11

Nov 8                                                 Dec 13


