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November 8, 2021  Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Assoc. Board Monthly Meeting  
Zoom meeting called to order at 7:01pm.

 Board members present:  Beth Lonnquist, Doreen McLaughlin, Kevin Guy, Julie Pheteplace, Paul Tilltoson, Shannon Kittelson, Bill Griffith, Skip Chang, Mark Fears

 Guests present: Julie Yack, David Yack, Craig Pryor, Matt Quinlan,

Architectural Control: 
Dave Betzler had a question about an ACC request but didn’t have a formal request in at the time.  The Board didn’t have any issues with his inquiry. The Yacks have filed an ACC request for their new home at 3630 Mesa Verde.  It will be 5149sq.ft. and includes a deck, lifetime shingles, fiber cement board siding, firebreak around the house. They have their building permit. They are planning on breaking ground by the end of the year.  Skip had the !st and Bill the 2nd for approval.  Board voted for approval. Shannon talked to Mr. Burdine about the fence in his earlier request.  It will be only three feet high and no factor in traffic sight lines.

Guest concerns: 
Board President Lonnquist asked if there were any guest concerns but no one had any additional comments or concerns.

Minutes approval: 
Bill motioned for approval with Paul seconding.  Board approved.

Treasurer’s Report:
Bill reported that there had been a total of $575.18 in deposits for October.  There were two contributions, one of $475 and another of $100, and $0.18 in interest.  Legal fees now total $9,908.19 with another $3,192.00 pending. There has been $$10,244.95 in contributions ytd  with $750.00 of that dedicated to Law Suit Defense.  ACC contributions total $721.00 ytd. Insurance fees to date are $2,422.95. DORA registration was $29.00.  The HOA P.O. Box costs $148.00. The HOA has made a net contribution to Firewise of $888.11.  There as been 50.9% participation in contributions so far this year.  43 households have contributed more than the recommended $75.00.

It was motioned that the HOA will pay for tennis court/pickle ball painting and David Jones will reimburse the HOA.  Skip had the 1st with Doreen the 2nd.  Board approved.

Old Business:

Paul and Kevin reported that the website was working well.

Park Repairs:
Tennis court painting is scheduled for December.

There was discussion of the value of HOA property (gazebo, tennis court, playground, bus stop) in regards to liability insurance.

Julie reported Firewise has some training ongoing for inspections but no chipping at this time.

Forest View Water District:  
There will be a Dec. 15 meeting.  The November meeting was cancelled.

Red Rock Ranch Acres: 
No new activity.  Planning approval of the development will be the next stage.

New Business:
Discussed the Tuff Shed on Range View.  There was a notification to the Board back in January but it wasn’t approved due to easement.  Due to adjacent lots being combined, there was a discussion whether the easement was now an issue and would the there be an issue if the lots were later separated again. Bill suggested an informal inquiry as to owners intentions,  It appears the construction has been started on the shed.
Donation to Tri-Lakes Cares of $100 was motioned for approval with Mark having the 1st, Skip the 2nd.  Board approved.

Law Suit status: 
Kevin reported that discussions were moving forward.  Kevin also reported on covenant section that informs on multiple lot ownership.

Round the Room: 
Skip will report on updated landscaping and he is also working with the County in regards to paving the rest of Forest View Way.

Next meeting is December 13th. 
Skip motioned to close the meeting with Shannon the 2nd.  Board approved.


Meeting ended at 7:48pm.
