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January 10, 2022 Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Assoc. Board Monthly Meeting
 Zoom meeting started at 7:14pm

 Board members present:
 Beth Longquist, Julie Pheteplace, Kevin Guy, Bill Griffith, Paul Tillotson, Doreen McLaughlin, Mark Fears

Julie Yack, David Yack, Craig Pryor, Matt and Laura Quinlan, Rosalia McKean,

Architectural Control:
No new ACC business.

Approval of Minutes:
Minutes were approved with a motion from Mark and a second by Bill.  Board approved.

Treasurer’s Report:
Bill reported that there had been a deposit of $145.00 from ACC fees to go along with $0.14 from interest. Expenses were $40.28 for printing of election documents as well as $49.15 for the park sign. The HOA had a beginning balance of $17,255.53 for January and finished with $17,311.24.  $75.00 in contributions for 2022.  $750.00 was paid to David Jones to cover his paying for the pickle ball court painting.

Total annual interest was $2.34 for 2021.  Firewise contributions were 488.11 with a carryover to 2022.  Legal expenses were $14,495.19.  Insurance expenses were $4,092.95. There were $10,319.95 in contributions for 2021.  This includes $750 specified for Law Suit Defense.  51.4% of homeowners contributed, 44 of which contributed more than the requested $75.00.  There were $1,380.90 in ACC fees for the year.

The Treasurer’s report was motioned for approval by Julie and Doreen had the second.  Board approved.

There was a lengthy discussion of the proposed 2022 budget.  Items such as the number of dumpsters for Clean Up Day were discussed in relation to the budget as was watering the landscaping in the park. There is a desire to get the budget surplus a little higher.  The editing of the covenant will probably exceed $500.00.  There was discussion of moving the expenses for Nivens Park to another part of the budget.

Discussion of support for Firewise was also part of the proposed discussion.  Higher participation is highly desired. Rosalia talked about the need for more mitigation.  Especially in the Clovenhoof neighborhood.

The proposed budget approval was motioned by Kevin with Mark seconding.  Board approved.

Bill showed a comparison of 2021 budget actual expenses and participation to proposed 2022 budget and explained each line item and what happened with each one.

Annual Audit:
Audit was motioned for approval by Julie and seconded by Kevin.  Board Approved

Website Education:
A tab was created for the HOA website and Elizabeth has sent out pages for inclusion once a quarter.  Doreen motioned for approval and Bill seconded.  Board approved.

Chipping dates have been submitted the Fire Dept.  Marshall Fire article possibly included into Feb. 7 meeting.  Dave Pheteplace has been doing assessments outside of RRRHOA to help other neighborhoods.

Posting of videos regarding the Marshall Fire and exit plans on wildfire.com were discussed.  It was noted that the Waldo Fire evacuation took 8 hours for some.  Julie motioned for approval and Doreen seconded.  Board approved.

Park repairs: 

Painting of pickle ball court is finished.
 Laura Quinlan suggested moving the signage in the park for better viewing.  It was suggested Firewise information could be put on the other side.

GL insurance is secured.  WC policy is secured with payment due in February.  D&O will be searched for in February.  Will be due later in the year.

Forest View Acres Water District:
FVAWD had not posted meeting date by the time of the HOA Board meeting.


Letter to Complainant:
The letter was motioned for approval Julie and seconded by Bill. Board approved.  HOA is limited in what it can do.

Will be mailed in March.

The requirements on the HOA are being met as to the dates for actions and information distribution.  The Board discussed how the NDA affects members and Paul explained how the NDA can be accessed by members.  Implementation was discussed and Bill motioned for approval with Kevin having the second.  Board approved.

Discussed the archive tab and how it would show the settlement.  The settlement would move into the archive tab as it moves down the list of articles.

Special Meeting:
At !66 Second Ave., Monument, Co.  @ 7:00pm.

Discussed postings for Board candidates on the website. The special meeting has to be an in-person meeting with written ballots and have to be hand counted. Because of the requirement for an in-person meeting there was discussion about how to mitigate for Covid-19 and make it as safe as possible.

Mark volunteered to run the meeting. Julie to be secretary. 

Proxies must announced at the beginning of the special meeting. Each voter will have three votes and the votes can’t all be for one candidate.

 The count will be on January 24 by three people.  Counters to be property owners not on the ballot.

 Future Dates:
Clean UP Days - June 4 & 5 (dumpsters delivered on the 3rd),  Picnic will be held on August 27th. Julie motioned for approval and Bill seconded.  Board approved.

It was agreed to move the February meeting to the 7th.

 It was noted a new flag for NIvens Park was donated by Jim Bergeron. 

Paul motioned to adjourn the meeting with Julie having the second.  Board approved. Meeting ended at 9:25pm



