Dear RRRHOA Members,
On Tuesday the 17th of June 2009, John Novotny and I met with Jim White and John Clack to discuss the conditions of road maintenance, storm water drainage, chip and seal projects, and full road paving throughout the Ranch. While several things were identified as needing some level of maintenance and repair, the future of paving projects and chip and seal projects look bleak. They spoke about a co-op of neighborhood paving projects that you can read about below in the email sent to me following our meeting.
Craig Ketels
RRRHOA President
Subject: Resident Participation
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 07:33:54 -0600
To: Craig
CC: Jim White
Thank you for taking time to drive the roads yesterday. As we discussed, El Paso County does not currently plan to convert any gravel roads to paved roads. There is a Resident Participation Program for converting gravel roads to paved roads. The following link will direct you to our Road Surfacing Policy and, more specifically, describes our Resident Participation Program. The Resident Participation Program can be found on page 7 of 7 of the Road Surfacing Policy. Because the resolution is included at the start of the PDF document, this is page 9 using the page numbers of the PDF viewer.
We are in the process of updating our website. If that link stops working, you can go to Scroll down to the bottom of the page, click on the pull-down menu " - All County Offices - ", pick "Transportation Dept. of", on the left and below "DOT Policies and Forms", click on "Road Surfacing Policy."
If you have any questions, please contact me.
John Clack
El Paso County Public Services Department
(719) 520-6851