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> The warmer weather is bringing out door to door salespeople.  The association board has received information that at least one sales team is operating in the Woodmoor area and that the association there is warning its residents about that operation.  The information we have received is included below.
> "Warning Woodmoor residents; currently there are numerous door to door solicitors selling “Advantage Wonder Cleaners” or “20X Wonder Cleaner”. After investigating consumer complaints I found many complaints regarding the product and company, T & B Sales. Please do your research and “buyer beware” before purchasing anything from door to door sales people."
> Please use your own guidance when dealing with door to door sales.
> ----------------------
> The board would also like to remind the residents that the Garage Sale and the Clean Up events are coming up very quickly.  Please see the latest newsletter (available on the website) for details.

The warmer weather is bringing out door to door salespeople.  The association board has received information that at least one sales team is operating in the Woodmoor area and that the association there is warning its residents about that operation.  The information we have received is included below.

"Warning Woodmoor residents; currently there are numerous door to door solicitors selling “Advantage Wonder Cleaners” or “20X Wonder Cleaner”. After investigating consumer complaints I found many complaints regarding the product and company, T & B Sales. Please do your research and “buyer beware” before purchasing anything from door to door sales people."

Please use your own guidance when dealing with door to door sales.
