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From Mark Gebhart Deputy Director El Paso County Development Services Department:

Subject: RE: El Paso County Changes to regulations regarding group living arrangements in a residential setting for handicapped and disabled persons

The Board of County Commissioners continued this hearing on June 17.  Please see attached press release.  They will hold a worksession June 24 in Centennial Hall after considering their regular items on that agenda, and then hold a hearing on the proposed changes on July 1.  The public is welcome to attend, and you are welcome to distribute this email.


The press release is here (El Paso County website) or here (PDF - RRHOA copy).

A copy of the text is below but please see the original document for the complete details.


Commissioners Schedule Work Session on Proposed Land Development Code Changes
Changes Aim at Federal Requirement Compliance for Handicapped and Disabled Living Facilities
El Paso County, CO, June 18, 2014 – The Board of El Paso County Commissioners (BoCC) will hold
a work session on Tuesday, June 24, to receive information and public input on the proposed adoption of
amendments to the El Paso County Land Development Code related to group homes.

El Paso County Development Services Department is suggesting changes to certain parts of the El Paso
County Land Development Code to provide for group living facilities for handicapped or disabled
persons, in accordance with the provisions of the Fair Housing Act Amendments of 1988, the Americans
with Disabilities Act, and the Rehabilitation Act, as well as other corresponding updates. The changes
would bring County cod into compliance with federal law.

During an initial presentation on the proposed changes, Commissioners asked for more information and
details on the review process for group homes as well as occupancy limits.

The Work Session will start immediately following the regular BoCC meeting in the Centennial Hall
Auditorium at 200 South Cascade Avenue in downtown Colorado Springs.

No formal action will be taken by the Board of County Commissioners during this Work Session. The
Board is expected give formal consideration to the land development code proposals related to group
homes and the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 at its regularly scheduled meeting July 1, 2014.
