Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
11 June 2007
Presiding: Joline Lee
Present: Joline Lee, Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Phyllis Moore, David Bohn, David Weber, Frank Chuba, Fred Lanyon, Kelly McGuire.
Guests: Val Martin, Susan Gates, Sonny Horak, Debbie Horak, Jeff Dull
Meeting was called to order at 1905.
Minutes of the 14 May 2007 meeting were read and accepted as amended to show that Director Phyllis Moore was not present at that meeting. The amended report was voted upon unanimously after a motion to accept by Frank Chuba and seconded by Fred Lanyon.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bill Martin reported a bank balance of $10,525.25. 112 donations have been received to date for a total of $4135.00. There has been $471.20 paid for architectural fees and interest from accounts amount to $71.64. Total income to date: $4677.84. Total expenses to date: $660.23. The Association web posting is paid through 2008 and webmaster Jase Campbell said the domain name renewal is $21.51 for three years. Frank Chuba made a motion to accept the report, it was seconded by Fred Lanyon and voted upon unanimously by the Board.
Architectural Control: Chairman Frank Chuba introduced residents Sonny and Debbie Horak of 4795 Limestone who want permission to erect a split rail fence on their property. This issue has been raised at previous meetings, but there is friction between the Horaks and the neighbors at 4770 Sandstone. According to Mrs. Horak, they have had their property surveyed to assure the fence would be on their property. That survey revealed the neighbors had a trampoline and a dog underground electric fence on the Horak property with the trampoline remaining there, despite being asked to move it, until two weeks ago when it was moved. President Lee has talked with the neighbors in an effort to help ease tensions, and she has also called Mountain View Electric to check on easements for utility poles along the property lines. Following much discussion between Board members and the Horacs stressing harmony on the Ranch, it was finally agreed that the Horacs have a legal right to erect a fence on their property under existing RRRHOA covenants, and understanding limits imposed by the utility company easements. Since the Board previously approved the split rail fence, the Horacs now just have to formally file a request and pay the $25 fee.
Old Business: President Joline Lee stated that she and Board members Kelly McGuire and Jim Bergeron met with Bill Salas, representing Hellas Construction, 220 South Taft, Lakewood, Colorado at the Red Rock Ranch Park tennis court on Wednesday, 06 June 2007. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss repairing cracks and painting the tennis court surface. The proposal is to:
- Clean court with a pressure washer.
- Patch all cracks and cover with a US Nickel and a Rhino Patch Binder.
3. Apply one coat of acrylic resurfacing coating. Silica sand is mixed to provide a smooth and textured underlayment for color coatings.
4. Apply two coats of fortified acrylic color coatings.
5. Layout and paint 2” wide lines in accordance with the USTA and ASBA specifications for double play.
The cost is $5,087.00. Mr. Salas estimated the procedure would last up to eight years with the amount of use we currently have. Other uses, such as roller blade skaters, would ruin the surface in a very short time.
Director Kelly McGuire received an advertisement from a company called Sport Court that also repairs tennis courts. President Joline Lee said she would contact the company for details. Once that is accomplished, Director McGuire suggested the Board make a decision at the next meeting to proceed, whether it is at this time or to budget the project for the future.
Director David Bohn also suggested the proposal be published in the next RRRHOA newsletter.
Director Fred Lanyon gave a report on the watering “drip system” in the Association Park. The landscaping project is blooming, but some leaves are curled, probably as a result of a recent frost that was experienced in the area. Fred will turn on the timer so the plants are watered for one hour three times a week and also agreed to approach Woody, the master gardener who installed the landscaping, to ascertain how much water the plants need. Val Martin also agreed to help Fred determine the amount of water needed. Fred thanked Joline and Ben Lee and Val Martin for their help.
New Business: President Lee mentioned a local homeowners association, NEPCO, a coalition of Northern El Paso Homeowners Associations, and asked if it would be beneficial for us to join. The dues are $40 per year and there is a meeting in Gleneagle in July. David Weber and David Bohn agreed to attend that meeting after Frank Chuba made a motion to join which was seconded by Phyllis Moore.
The quarterly newsletter will be published after the July meeting by David Weber with input from all Board members. It will also include the date of the annual picnic which is yet to be determined.
Frank Chuba mentioned a DOLA Budget workshop for homeowners associations and water boards that will be offered at several locations throughout the state and suggested sending one or two members. The fee is $40 per person. After discussion, it was agreed to pay for Frank Chuba, Bill Martin and Susan Gates to attend on 27 July in Aurora. Susan Gates is a resident of Sundance Estates, but contributes annually to the RRRHOA and is deeply involved with Association and Forest View Acres Water Board issues.
Guest Comments: Susan Gates was given the floor and stated that she is hosting a brainstorming session at her house on Wednesday, 13 June 2007 and invited everyone to attend. The purpose will be to find direction, discuss legal issues, and perhaps develop a mission statement concerning resident’s interaction with the Forest View Acres Water Board. The aim is to develop a non-confrontational, oversight committee or group to work with the current and future water boards. Her address is 18235 Sunburst Drive.With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2105 on a motion by Frank Chuba, seconded by Fred Lanyon and voted upon unanimously.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 09 July 2007 at the Tri-Lakes Fire Station.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron, Recorder/Secretary
Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association