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Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

09 July 2007


Presiding: Joline Lee

Present: Joline Lee, Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Phyllis Moore, David Weber, Fred Lanyon

Meeting was called to order at 1900.

Minutes of the 11 June 2007 meeting were read and accepted as presented.  The report was voted upon unanimously after a motion to accept by Phyllis Moore and seconded by Fred Lanyon.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bill Martin reported a bank balance of $10,480.57.  Voluntary donations received to date amount to $4180.00. Architectural control fees total $471.20.  Interest earned is $93.47. Total expenses to date are $812.89.  No bills have been received from the Forest View Acres Water District during the past month.  Kelly McGuire made a motion to accept the report, it was seconded by Fred Lanyon and voted upon unanimously by the Board.

Architectural Control: President Joline Lee said she was contacted by resident Tom Guenther of 18480 Forest View Road concerning an addition to his residence.  She referred him to Board Architectural Control Chairman Frank Chuba for proper application procedures.

Old Business: President Lee stated that the two neighbors at 4795 Limestone and 4770 Sandstone mentioned in previous meetings concerning property lines and a fence have resolved the matter.  They discussed the situation and no fence is going to be erected, and they have had dinner together.

Val Martin has been checking the landscaping and says the plants are doing well, even some that had earlier appeared dead or dying.  One area seems to need water and she was concerned that the drip system might be plugged, and she has hand watered those plants.  Director Fred Lanyon explained how the system works and how to check for blockages.

It was decided to hold the annual picnic on Saturday, 18 August 2007 in the Association Park which will be mentioned in the forthcoming quarterly newsletter.  Director David Weber will publish the newsletter and asked for input from each Board member.  The target date for mailing the letter is 06 August 2007.

President Lee and Director David Weber will attend the NEPCO meeting on Saturday, 14 July 2007 and report back at the next meeting about the feasibility of RRRHOA joining the organization.

New Business: Treasurer Bill Martin stated that the grass in the Park once again needs mowing.  He will contact the gentleman who has mowed it for the Association in the past.

Directors Kelly McGuire and Jim Bergeron gave the Board a synopsis of their meeting with Myron Jefferson of Custom Game Courts on Monday, 02 July 2007.  It was unanimously felt that the covering offered by this company to upgrade the tennis court is superior to the one previously discussed.  However, the price to cover the concrete, install a new net, two basketball hoops, a shuffleboard court and hopscotch court will be in the $20,000 range.  Since the RRRHOA Association does not have that amount readily available, various methods to raise it were discussed, including asking Shiloh Pines, Sundance Estates and Forest View Estates to contribute and be allowed use of the court, and also requesting pledges from homeowners.   Jim Bergeron agreed to contact Lyle Berger, president of the Forest View Estates HOA to see if the families there would be interested. Directors Kelly McGuire and Jim Bergeron will compose an article about the proposed refurbishment for the newsletter to be mailed on the 6th of August.  It will also be a matter of discussion at the annual picnic to see if residents are interested enough before embarking on a fund raising campaign.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1953 on a motion by Fred Lanyon, seconded by Bill Martin and voted upon unanimously.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be the annual homeowners picnic/meeting on Saturday, 18 August 2007 at the RRRHOA Park..

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron, Recorder/Secretary

Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association  
