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Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting

10 March 2008

Presiding: Craig Ketels

Present: Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Phyllis Moore, David Weber, Kelly McGuire, Craig Ketels, Fred Lanyon, Joline Lee

The meeting was called to order by President Craig Ketels at 1900. 

The minutes of the 11 February 2008 meeting were read and unanimously approved as presented following a motion by Fred Lanyon and seconded by Joline Lee.

Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance is $12,972.49.  Donations to date are $2135 from 60 residents.  There have been 10 donations totaling $1030 for tennis court renovations; of those 10, one voted for refurbishment, one for multiuse, and 8 for either way.  Expenses to date are $211.  Tax forms have been filed.  Treasurer Martin reported that donations are about the same as this time last year. He further suggested that postcards be sent in April to let residents know how much money has been collected for the tennis court which might spur additional donations. It is also noted that President Craig Ketels was the first of the Board members to submit his yearly donation of $35. 

Treasurer’s Report accepted unanimously following a motion by Phyllis Moore and a second by Kelly McGuire.

Architectural Control: No new business or applications.

Old Business: President Craig Ketels asked to be added to the mailing list for NEPCO meetings.

It was agreed to have a large dumpster placed in the Association Park on 16 May and be picked up on 23 May.  This is one of the Association goals discussed at previous meetings whereby residents will have the opportunity to clean their property as part of a Red Rock Ranch spring cleanup prior to the Memorial Day weekend.  All non-hazardous waste can be deposited in the roll off dumpster during that week.

New Business: The Forest View Estates HOA will hold its annual meeting on 18 March 2008 and President Craig Ketels and Director Kelly McGuire will attend to answer any questions that might be asked about the tennis court renovation.

Director Phyllis Moore reported that her son Walt had a conversation with Jeff Hobernale, author of the environmental assessment for the proposed drilling for natural gas off Mount Herman Road.  Mr. Hobernale stated that trucks will utilize Mount Herman Road and not traverse Red Rock Ranch roads.  President Ketels said he would like to have that statement in writing as assurance for Red Rock Ranch homeowners.  The man in charge of the project locally is Brent Botts, telephone 719-477-4201.There will be two wells, drilled on a slant rather than straight down.  There will be open meetings on the project and information can be obtained by accessing web site www.fomp.org.

Landscaping at the park: The original landscaper suggested turning on the drip system in early June, but hand watering can be done before then if conditions are dry.  Val Martin and Joline Lee volunteered to take on that project.  Jim Bergeron volunteered to set traps for gophers as needed.

Director David Weber said there was an article recently about HOA’s, and specifically Architectural Control, being discussed in the state legislature and their ability to regulate alternate energy sources such as solar or wind power.  No one on the Board was aware of the proposal, but President Ketels said it was a point that should be addressed in future covenants on the Ranch.

Director Kelly McGuire mentioned the corner of Spruce and Red Rock Ranch Drive where there is a stop sign and motorists are creating their own road around it, probably as a means to avoid stopping for the sign.  Director Joline Lee will call her contact at the Road Department to see if something can be done to correct the situation.

The flag pole in the Park is badly bent from strong winds and probably cannot be straightened any more.  President Ketels said a replacement should be considered as part of the restoration budget.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1940 on a motion by Phyllis Moore, seconded by Joline Lee and carried unanimously.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 14 April 2008 in the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street in Monument.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Bergeron, Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA
















