10 November 2008
Presiding: Craig Ketels
Present: Craig Ketels, Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Kelly McGuire, Jim Zalmanak
Guests: P.K.Robinson
The meeting was called to order by President Craig Ketels at 1904.
The minutes of the 13 October 2008 meeting were read and unanimously approved following a motion by Kelly McGuire and a second by Bill Martin.
Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance is $12,407.63. The insurance policy has been paid, $1300 for directors and $250 for general liability. There have been 134 donations from residents for a total of $4535 to date. Compared to last year at this time there were 134 donations for a total of $4945. 21 residents have donated $2270 for the tennis court and expenses to the court improvement amount to $1446.32. Architectural control fees total $546.
Treasurer’s report unanimously accepted following a motion by Kelly McGuire and a second by Jim Zalmanack.
Architectural Control: No requests this month.
Old Business: Director Kelly McGuire reported no leads on a donated basketball hoop for the tennis court so the Board made a decision to purchase one of the same height and characteristics as the one already in place. There was concern over someone tripping and/or falling into the open pits dug for the flag pole and basketball hoop. Craig Ketels said he would cover them with wood to prevent that occurrence. Seeding the ground that was recently graded was discussed and no one seemed to be sure whether sowing the seed now or in the spring is more advantageous. Kelly McGuire agreed to find the answer and report at the next meeting. If the time is determined to be in the autumn or early winter, President Craig Ketels said he would do the seeding during Christmas break. President Ketels also reported that he received information on solar panels for nighttime illumination of the flag. The price was $3,450 which everyone present thought was too much. It was decided to contact Intermountain Rural Electric Association (IREA) to determine the cost of running electricity to the flag pole for illumination, and also to the pavilion. Director Jim Zalmanack volunteered to take that task and report back to the Board at the next meeting.
Secretary Jim Bergeron stated he has two new “Neighborhood Watch” signs, but needs the El Paso County decals for them. He has contacted the Sheriff’s department, but has had no response. President Ketels stated that a deputy is at the high school regularly and he will try to get the decals through him.
New Business: Director Jim Zalmanack said he had difficulty navigating the Association web site and resident Greg Madruga felt the same when he attempted to find information about Architectural Control on the Ranch. President Ketels said he would check with webmaster Jase Campbell. President Ketels suggested making a donation in the amount of $200 to Tri Lakes Cares which was unanimously approved by the Board following a motion by Kelly McGuire and a second by Craig Ketels. In the past, a donation was made to the Tri Lakes Fire Department as thanks for the use of their facility for meetings, and since meetings are now held in the Tri Lakes Cares building, it was felt to be appropriate to do the same. Some Ranch residents are concerned about the residence at 1 Pixie Park Road where there seems to be an on-going yard sale. The property is owned by Edward Tanguay, a former resident who now lives out of state and rents the residence. Treasurer Bill Martin has attempted to contact Mr. Tanguay via e-mail with no response and has gone to the house in question, but no one answers the door. It seems as if Mr. Tanguay uses a property management company, so Treasurer Martin will attempt to contact them about resolving the problem.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1937 on a motion by Bill Martin, seconded by Jim Zalmanack and carried unanimously.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 08 December 2008 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street in Monument.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA