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                   Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
                                                   08 December 2008

Presiding: Craig Ketels

Present: Craig Ketels, Jim Bergeron, Kelly McGuire, David Weber, Jim Zalmanek

The meeting was called to order by President Craig Ketels at 1903.  

The minutes of the 10 November 2008 meeting were read and amended to correct the spelling of the name of Board member Jim Zalmanek. The amended minutes were unanimously approved following a motion by Kelly McGuire and a second by David Weber.  

Treasurer’s Report:
No report because of the absence of the Treasurer.

Architectural Control: No report this month due to absence of the ACC Chairman.

NOTE: Some members were unable to attend the meeting due to a snow storm with heavy winds and limited visibility.

Old Business: Director Kelly McGuire reported that he was advised by a lawn expert to wait until spring, preferably late April, to sow grass seed around the Association Park tennis court.  He also reported that basketball hoops can run in the $500 range and he is still searching for one, at a less expensive price, to match the one already installed.

President Craig Ketels reported that the two excavated holes near the Park pavilion have been covered to avert an accidental fall into them by visitors.   He also reported on the solar panels to illuminate the flag pole and a Florida company, Sol International of Palm City, has a set for $995 plus shipping and handling.  That is on hold pending a report about running an electric line to the park.

Jim Zalmanek reported his findings with Inter Rural Electric Association (IREA).  Donna from IREA quoted a price of $10,000 to $15,000 which would include the cost to bore a hole under the road for a primary line, as well as installation of a transformer on the north side of the road.  Another option would be to run a line from a nearby customer’s meter pedestal. IREA would require a 50-amp breaker in the pedestal and RRRHOA could do the rest of the installation.  That would reduce costs, but could also affect the future sale of the house being tapped into, and it would be necessary to check with El Paso County Regional Building to determine their requirements.  Jim will check again with Donna since they are apparently unaware of a pedestal on the corner of Red Rock Ranch Drive and Sunburst, which is next to the Park, but would also require going under the road.  He will report his findings at the next meeting.  President Ketels said he had no objection to hooking a line to his home pedestal.

New Neighborhood Watch signs will be erected during the week of 15 December 2008, depending on weather conditions.  Craig Ketels, Jim Zalmanek and Jim Bergeron volunteered to accomplish that task.

President Ketels talked with the property manager at 1 Pixie Park where residents have complained that it looks as if a constant yard sale is going on.  The manager agreed to talk with the residents.  The resident who lives at the property is self employed and has ladders, scaffolding, and items related to his work scattered about, which prompted the complaints.  All the neighbors describe the family as very friendly and are good neighbors, except for the yard.  Efforts will be made to have the resident clean the yard by perhaps putting all the equipment in a neat arrangement on a side not visible to others in the neighborhood.  Another report will be given at the January meeting.

President Ketels mentioned the “expectations letter” that was discussed previously concerning the official stand by the Homeowners Association on the natural gas drilling by Dyad.  At present, the drilling is on hold pending a decision by the courts.  Director David Weber stated that he has started a rough draft on the letter and will forward it to Board members for perusal and discussion at the January meeting.  

New Business: It was with regret that the Board accepted the resignation of Director Joline Lee who has faithfully served Red Rock Ranch for years through her role as an active and insightful member, director, and president of the RRRHOA. President Craig Ketels expressed the feelings of the entire Board when he said Joline will be deeply missed, and all of her contributions through the years are sincerely appreciated.

Director Jim Zalmanek suggested guidelines be set up for new members joining the Board, since he is the newest member and felt it would have been helpful to him.  There are guidelines on the website about job descriptions for the President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Architectural Control Chairman, so Jim said he would draft rough guidelines for the other members and for items not covered on the website.

Director Kelly McGuire asked if anyone had received correspondence from Mountain View Electric (MVE) concerning new easements of 20 feet, ten from each landowner at property lines.  Kelly stated that he had a discussion with MVE years ago when the same subject came up.  His deed states there will be a 5 foot easement and MVE accepted that at the time.  Web master Jase Campbell will be asked to add this to the website to ascertain whether others have been contacted by MVE.

President Ketels suggested adding a space for e-mail addresses on the Architectural forms, in addition to home address and phone number.  No objection was raised.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2007 on a motion by David Weber, seconded by Kelly McGuire and carried unanimously.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 12 January 2009 at the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, in Monument.

Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA
