Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
13 July 2009
Presiding: Bill Martin
Present: Bill Martin, Jim Bergeron, Kelly McGuire, David Weber, Frank Chuba, Jim Zalmanek, Fred Lanyon
Guests: Bill Griffith, Andre Bergeron
The meeting was called to order by Acting President Bill Martin at 1859.
The minutes of the 08 June 2009 meeting were read and unanimously approved following a motion by Kelly McGuire and a second by Jim Zalmanek.
{tab=Treasurer's Report}
Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance is $14,616.65. There have been 108 voluntary donations from residents since the first of the year totaling $4175, which is less than this time last year. Architectural Control fees amount to $150, plus a check for $78.40 paid at this meeting. Expenses to date amount to $1920.25 and the next expected expense will be the insurance due in November.
Treasurer’s report unanimously accepted following a motion by Kelly McGuire and a second by Fred Lanyon.
{tab=Arch control}
Architectural Control: Resident Bill Griffith of 18150 Forest View Road presented plans for a detached garage and re-paving his driveway. The garage will be the same color as the residence, the shingles are fire retardant and will match the color of the house shingles. The size of the garage will be 28 feet by 28 feet. There were no objections to the plans and they were accepted unanimously following a motion by Frank Chuba and a second by Kelly McGuire. The required fee of $78.40 was paid.
{tab=Old Business}
Old Business: Director Kelly McGuire has grass seed on hand and will sow it this weekend (18 or 19 July 2009) after the soil is turned over by dragging a wire fence behind President Craig Ketel’s tractor. The area to be seeded will be to the west of the tennis court where previous grading took place.
Director Kelly McGuire has installed the new net at the tennis court with thanks offered by the Board.
Andre Bergeron, from West Electric Group, was on hand to answer questions about solar powered panels to illuminate an American flag at the park, as well as the feasibility of running electricity to the pavilion for resident use and illuminating the American flag. He gave estimates of costs for both, which would be in the thousands of dollars, way above the means of the Association. Questions were then raised about safe-guarding solar panels from vandalism and preventing the theft of power if installed at the pavilion. After the discussion, a motion was made by Jim Bergeron to scrap the plans for either solar panels or an electric line to the park. That motion included the installation of a flag pole with an American flag to be flown only during daylight hours on special occasions, such as major U.S. holidays and the annual picnic. The motion was seconded by Director Kelly McGuire and unanimously approved by the Board.
{tab=New Business}
New Business: The Association’s annual picnic/business meeting will be held on Saturday, 12 September 2009 in the RRRHOA Park starting at noon.
The next newsletter will again be published through the generous efforts of Director David Weber. Board members are requested to submit articles for the newsletter not later than the 20th of August. Details about the upcoming picnic will be in that letter for resident information.
The Board has had three e-mails from residents concerning the feasibility of a Ranch-wide garage/yard sale. Director Kelly McGuire felt it is a good idea, but the Board should not run it; that should be left to the residents themselves. However, the Board will help with advertising in the newsletter and offer support as needed. It was felt the time frame for such a sale would ideally be in the spring when people traditionally clean out garages and closets. It was further agreed that the sales should be at individual homes and not at the Association Park. Director Kelly McGuire volunteered to write an article for the newsletter advising residents of the plan.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2004 on a motion by Kelly McGuire, seconded by Fred Lanyon and carried unanimously.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be at 1900 on Monday, 10 August 2009 in the Tri Lakes Cares building, 235 Jefferson Street, Monument, Colorado.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA