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Red Rock Ranch Homeowners Association Monthly Meeting
10 August 2009

Presiding: Craig Ketels

Present: Craig Ketels, Bill Martin, Fred Lanyon, Jim Zalmanek, Kelly McGuire, Jim Bergeron, David Weber, Frank Chuba

The meeting was called to order by President Craig Ketels at 1859.  

The minutes of the 13 July 2009 meeting were read and unanimously approved following a motion by Kelly McGuire and a second by Fred Lanyon.  
{tab=Treasurer's Report}
Treasurer’s Report: Bank balance is $14,403.49.  There have been 113 voluntary donations from residents since the first of the year totaling $4415 for an average donation of $39.  Architectural control fees amount to $228.40 for a total income of $4670.38 with expenses of $2200.25.  The Treasurer did send 46 follow-up letters to residents who normally pay voluntary dues each year, but failed to this year.  The result was 26 responses with checks enclosed.  The President mailed 9 letters to residents with two responding with checks.
Treasurer’s report unanimously accepted following a motion by Fred Lanyon and a second by Kelly McGuire.
{tab=Arch Control}
Architectural Control: Chairman Frank Chuba reports no new requests since the last meeting in July.
{tab=Old Business}
Old Business: Grass seed has been sown in the Park on the west side of the tennis court by Director Kelly McGuire after the soil was loosened by President Craig Ketels towing metal fencing with his tractor.  The Board expressed thanks to both men for their efforts.
The fence used was part of the one around the tennis court that had seen better days and was replaced by residents John Novotny and Carl Gusler. The worn out fence will be disposed of at the next spring cleanup day in June, unless someone on the Ranch has need for it and it is theirs for the taking.
The newsletter was discussed and Board members are to submit articles to Director David Weber no later than 20 August 2009 for inclusion.  The finished letter will go to Tri Lakes Printing on 24 August for printing and the Board will meet at Tri Lakes Cares at 1900 on Tuesday, 01 September to stuff and stamp the envelopes for mailing to Ranch residents.
Several residents have inquired about a Ranch-wide garage sale and Director Kelly McGuire will have an article concerning that in the upcoming newsletter which will be scheduled in late spring- the weekend before the annual Ranch spring cleanup so unsold items can be discarded in the dumpsters.
Director David Weber drafted a position paper of the RRRHOA Association on the Dyad drilling contemplated near Mount Herman that he will post on the Association web site and comments are welcome.

{tab=New Business}
New Business: Mr. Lyle Berger, President of the Forest View Estates HOA, requested permission to use the Association Park for their Association’s annual picnic on Saturday, 29 August 2009.  No objections were voiced and Mr. Berger was notified of the decision and go ahead with plans for their picnic.
Director Fred Lanyon stated that the Dyad drilling project at Mount Herman is now on hold, at least for the time being.
The flag pole and concrete for its base are on hand for installation in the Park.
The spring cleanup with dumpsters in the Park is scheduled for 11, 12, and 13 June 2010.
President Ketels stated that there is a vacancy on the Board of Directors and residents will be advised of that in the newsletter, and be asked to consider filling that seat.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1938 on a motion by Kelly McGuire with a second by Frank Chuba and carried unanimously.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be the annual picnic/business meeting on Saturday, 12 September 2009 at the RRRHOA picnic area starting at noon.

Respectfully submitted,
Jim Bergeron  
Secretary/Recorder, RRRHOA

